
Tencent wisdom Marketing Forum 2009-SNS Record

[Last week in Beijing, had the honor of the invitation by Tencent, presided over the "wisdom Tencent 2009 high-performance online marketing summit," the "SNS Marketing" forum. Tencent first meeting held, but also felt the first time as a close-up of China's largest Internet brand the atmosphere, stable and ambitious. ]
Tencent organize the following on the grounds of "SNS Marketing," an interactive Q & Record, to participate in the two hundred guests at the company's director of online interactive marketing and Miss Huang Xiwei QQ space Mr. Zheng Zhihao, director of products. Hope that concern about the SNS and SNS on the marketing of friends there will be some reference:
Gang Lu: Although today is not much time left, but can do a small game. The first question may be a bit sharp, and we all know China has a lot of the SNS, there are some do two or three years, this is a very strange phenomenon, because everyone is going along with FaceBook. The second phenomenon is now the portal is all to do SNS, because a large amount of their users. You as an expert in this field, this is a reflection of what the problem is how do you see?
zhengzihao: I still see a more positive direction of SNS in China today. China and the United States do not focus on the SNS, as we have done in China, users need the SNS, follow the business model with Chinese characteristics. Today, the founder of Tencent still concerned about the user experience and the details of each user, just said that a breakdown of the market, including the campus, including the white-collar workers, including the media, they are exploring a very unique market or vertical or the path of a specific group of people.
Abroad, especially in the United States, is so characteristic of SNS products, technologies and platforms. News Feed from the open API, from OpenSocial to Facebook Connect, from simple to achieve the agility to continue to optimize the technology, cloud computing, BigTable, foreign technology and the innovative platform also gives us a lot of inspiration and national income.
I still believe that China is a path for China's national conditions, the path abroad is in line with their culture, the Internet, so there is no exclusion. I believe the audience here today are experts in marketing and advertising, I am a layman, but I often see a word - so Chinese-style marketing, and management in China, one day we hope to do the Chinese SNS, so SNS Chinese-style marketing, but also forming.
Lu Gang: The second issue of the SNS Chinese marketing, I suddenly thought of a very interesting phenomenon, almost all of the SNS in China are robbed of parking spaces, there are farming and farming. From this point of view, Tencent space users in China can bring the most special things for that?
zhengzihao: If SNS today likened China's Chinese Theater, but it has a number of multi-player N Office. There are a lot of studio and stage may be the friends and relatives, friends, alumni of the emotional drama, may be the moving drama of love, may be ups and downs of the applications and games. We would like to click, users now have admission, he had a lot of choice, can go to a different studio. More and more users come in, the user's choice of more and more eco-SNS in China is very good, we might be able to fight for more resources. Into each application and some will continue to grow, some will gradually decline, and some will do the vertical and market segments, so I think it a very positive direction.
Lu Gang: Next, we shift the topic to ask Miss, you are also users of the SNS is not it?
Huang Wei-sacrifice: That's right.
Gang Lu: You can also represent a Pepsi?
Huang Wei-sacrifice: That's right.
Lu Gang: Why do you see QQ space?
Huang Wei-sacrifice: because we are selling drinks, so I hope that two, three, four, five, six-lane city can cover. Another is to see that we fit with the media more than few people from the audience, we will have to get a great combination of young people with the media.
Lu Gang: SNS is really actually make money in China, because of Tencent, as well as other relatively small number of the SNS, this is a phenomenon worthy of our consideration. Why Pepsi can see in this regard so heavy? How the ratio is balanced?
Huang Wei-sacrifice: SNS is not only the beginning of the last few years in China, SNS is a game, not just that we do, many are doing the platform. Because we are selling drinks, so a lot of emotional stress of things, you can take a look at our brands, where the spirit of emotion.
Lu Gang: Pepsi every year a lot of money into marketing on the Internet, the conventional Internet marketing is probably the ads, but I believe that is a two-depth cooperation, in which case, as a measure of how an enterprise of the SNS marketing, for example, ROI. >> Comment network information, Luoyang life: http://luoyanglife.com/  >> Luoyang discount forum I love life: http://bbs.luoyanglife.com/  >> Henan entrance examination Network: http://www.edu-ha.com/index.php  >> just one sentence: http://log-by-me.blogspot.com/
Huang Wei-sacrifice: We have many different third-party investigation, Azeri SNS over the past few years in fact, a higher transmission efficiency, so we have a number of directions, not just done in the traditional media, but also in personal space is also do interact.
Lu Gang: Tencent QQ here because of space, you certainly hope that Pepsi will invest more here. You how to do these business owners can bring greater returns?
zhengzihao: This is an exploratory process, we constantly skills. We can look at new data FaceBook, about a year more than 5 billion of revenue, an increase of 70%, in the entire advertising market environment of rapid decline, SNS input and the advertising market is a very good opportunity.
SNS there are two aspects of the results, on the one hand, precise positioning. On the one hand, a wide range of coverage to enhance the spread of brand power, the second lasting spread of enhancing the dissemination of our brand. Exert an imperceptible influence on the interaction among the users of products and brand perception in the side, which today there are some difficult to measure, but I believe that the market will make a little bit of choice, we will have better mechanisms, including the search, the follow-up tracking.
Lu Gang: As this is part of an interactive, so there are problems we can interrupt our chat.
Question: I would like to ask Mr Cheng. As mentioned earlier there are so many of China's SNS, in the next 3,5 years we would like that will die as a number of SNS, you understand how the SNS? 3 years after the QQ space and look like?
zhengzihao: I have just done in front of a metaphor, the whole SNS market in China will have a rapid growth, there is a small vertical market demand, there are specialized needs, the needs of interactive applications, there will be more to come occupation of different market, the market is very positive growth. However, the implementation of each company into a company each in a piece of the implementation, we need to do more, for example, some users really do not have any adhesive application, only three months of the application cycle, the user is not used again further interest, the application would cause them to lose their vitality. But look further ahead, FaceBook, 70% of the people active in the applications. SNS as a market which is gradually growing up, so I am very optimistic about the fall of the market per a company's competitiveness and opportunities for them to be from different perspectives.
QQ space a few years I hope to become the life-line pick-up points can become a bridge between emotion and can become a source of happiness. When lightweight and convenient, like Twitter and Facebook as to meet the rapid demand. When the need for complex and interesting, it can be the same as today's game to meet all the complexity of the logic of demand and complexity of the interaction. QQ access can be a happy space, access to information to enhance people's lives a very good source. It's just a desire and hope that the SNS and more companies to achieve growth of SNS in China, QQ space for the family hope to be a very important one.
Lu Gang: Just now you mentioned the user's question, I suddenly thought of SNS users are dealing with, there is a better situation can be a very good reputation, as the saying goes also to the vessel, the present There are people from various companies, you also hope that one day, and QQ space to become a partnership, please give us a piece of advice in how to do a good job of marketing SNS.
Huang Wei-sacrifice: first, to find a strong implementation capacity of some partners is very important. Secondly, you want to know what is the objective. The purpose of eventually want to achieve is to know a little more than this matter, or more depth of cooperation, you must enter the market to make it clear before. With the market now not the same as before, the real know the user's habits is very important.
Question: I have a question is asked Huang Wei's sacrifice. You can do online to build a platform? During this process do not have the traditional media, online only way to build a brand on it? If only using on-line platform will be able to build a brand, rather than any television media, to succeed?
Huang Wei-sacrifice: It's true we are able to do so. I have used the Internet for a very long time, so I like it very much, but in real life outdoor advertising and TV advertising is still very important, so we need to do is to integrated marketing, and consumption through a variety of ways communication. Of course, if you are a consumer electronics company, just enough online platform, but the Internet is not just consumers, but also has other activities. If you are a e-commerce companies, you can only use the number of platform marketing, brand building is very reasonable.
Question: I would like to ask a question, Mr Cheng. QQ space for a large number of user base, and having listened to instant messaging Pony Ma said the concept of community-based, will the QQ space which will give enterprises the value of unique?
zhengzihao: In fact, QQ is the earliest work in the SNS on the first of China's Internet products. QQ space and later the QQ alumni, the city brought a lot of additional value. The first point is the depth of asynchronous communication, today you can log in here to write an article to express emotion. Secondly, it has a strong interaction, QQ space in which you can message each other's transactions can be carried out, you can get parking spaces. The third could be on the entertainment scene a lot of them. QQ fourth space and peripheral products with more scenes and a breakdown of the conditions, we can for the campus market, against a city for sports-loving, high-end cosmetics like the crowd, the extraction of these conditions have advantage of a prerequisite. Tencent Connect will be after the introduction of daily life, the introduction of different scenes of life, it will have different tolerance for further lay the foundation for advertising.
Question: The first question is asked of Miss Pepsi. And last year, PepsiCo's advertising in China in an increase or a decrease of? Internet advertising and marketing investment is increased or decreased? You do the Internet advertising and marketing strategy, there is a variety of websites, there are portals, there are video sites, as well as SNS website, these businesses have in Tencent, you have to do when planning how the look at different forms of network media of?
Cheng asked the second question. In addition to the SNS business QQ space QQ Alumni QQ there, you also mentioned the breakdown of the SNS, can clear these two products to elaborate on the specific position. For example, one day, Nike, Pepsi others again, you are doing to the alumni, or QQ space to do it?
Huang Wei-sacrifice: this year than last year invested is increased. Pepsi is not just this year, Seven years of the United States, we have a colorful fruit, each brand has increased input in the Internet.
Because a lot of Internet media, according to the characteristics of each brand to decide which media to use a much more.
zhengzihao: response to a question about the choice of platform. QQ latitude in three of the SNS, the first latitude is QQ, there are QQ group, QQ space is broken down in it, the scene of the community, including the QQ alumni, Q Bar, the city of people who share some interest in category. These are the scenes in different communities formed.
Back to the top three elements of the community, they promote their products is fundamental to our platform. Time in the selection of products in order to know their target audience is, who do you think most have the opportunity to help you spread a second, lasting the spread of branded content or precipitation, which is something we hope to have more freedom to ad planning people, to business owners.
Question: I would like to ask the question is inside the circle of advertisers popular word, I know I have a 50% input is dashuipiao , but I do not know which 50%. Miss Huang ask you to cooperate in the running when the media is to consider how the value of the media? Means what is considered a successful run?
Huang Wei-sacrifice: We have a lot of different ways to consider, the stronger the credibility of the media, so we are usually strong credibility with much of the company.
zhengzihao: I asked a question here, QQ space by 2009 active users of the Q1 is the number?
Answer: 1.8 billion.
zhengzihao: yes ah, 1.8 is the point made, I hope the majority of owners and the advertising business and to join us in digging the potential of SNS.




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