
Channels have been confirmed cases in Hong Kong, Shanghai Shanghai China to suspend flights to fly the Mexican

HONG Beijing News May 2, according to the Voice of China 7:02 reported H1N1 Type A influenza epidemic in Hong Kong into China is now. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive Donald Tsang yesterday 20:40 more to announce that the first case of influenza H1N1 have been confirmed cases of influenza and infectious diseases in Hong Kong announced that it would alert level from "severe" to "urgent." This is the first East Asia confirmed cases, and after the whole of Asia, only two confirmed cases of Israel.
 Hong Kong: Government of Mexico in stable patients at risk of infection for emergency personnel to find
 Details of the Voice of China, Phoenix Satellite TV reporter connection Luqiu Luwei --
 China Voices: Mexican, who has been diagnosed in patients with the latest how to?
 Reporter: At present, the situation in hospitals is stable, owing to the sector to enhance security, the patient admitted to isolation wards at the same time, the Government also put away the visiting procedures, and other arrangements, if other people want to visit the hospital then to accept the guidance of the new measures.
 Voice of China: and his contact with the process there are no other people have symptoms of disease.
 Reporter: about midnight more than 20 individuals feel that their body temperature exceeded 37 degrees, the Government has been using ambulances to people sent to those who are not comfortable in a hospital for testing, there are 12 households do not want to isolate the Government to enable them to live the resort, in a few days before the government is ready as a holiday camp isolation camps, which pick up the luggage 12 has entered the resort after. Today, 4:00 -5 points 2 hotels in Hong Kong there are some warning tourists not comfortable, there are 2 individuals to seek help, they sent an ambulance to the hospital. We are also not clear who called the police for help rather than by the arrival of this flight.
 Voice of China: a lot of people that do not want to be isolated in the hotel, was isolated in the hotel how emotional these people like?
 Reporter: There are medical and nursing staff to assist, and now relatively early, the hotel atmosphere was business as usual, some visitors to pass the time in the Internet, the Government is called upon to take the means to accept these visitors to check isolation, they can return to the hotel, the resort can also be carried out isolation, there is no announced figures that not all registered visitors are to return to the hotel, now, the SAR Government has been made in the early morning yesterday, a list of all the MV505 will focus on investigation of 23 rows of these, but also did not say there was not found them, There are two taxi drivers is that they transfer patient, I hope the two drivers can also take the initiative to contact and the government.
 Shanghai: patients diagnosed in Hong Kong to stay 50 hours in Shanghai had 20 points, as well as foreign tourists to observe the crew carried out emergency
 In Hong Kong found that patients with Mexico is the afternoon of April 30 aboard Eastern Airlines flight from Mexico arrived in Shanghai via Hong Kong. He has produced during the Shanghai Pudong Airport? How long to stay? And the number of people who have had contact with? In flight during the flight, and his contact with the passengers and crew had been infected and whether? Voice of China to connect the Central People's Broadcasting Station in Shanghai, Shanghai brief reporters the situation --
 Reporter: Yesterday, 20:40 to do when the emergency call, said the Ministry of Health of Mexico has been confirmed as infected with the influenza, the Working Group hopes to Shanghai 15 members of the CDC and the Shanghai timely contact phone number is 02162758711, in accordance with the Ministry of Health Notice occurred in the eighth, Shanghai is still on the foreign tourists as well as the emergency crew to observe, has left Shanghai to Mexico through the Ministry of Health informed the relevant countries and regions, going to the field through the CDC to inform the relevant provincial City, also called China Eastern Airlines grasp of the MV505 provides a list of crew members and visitors, other than in Shanghai, immediately inform the relevant local observation.
 Voice of China: how big the scope of activities?
 Reporter: April 29 traveling from Mexico, the flights start at 11:20 when the MV505 by Eastern Airlines flights to Hong Kong, the patients stay in Shanghai for 50 hours and 20 minutes, the time in Shanghai and sanitary and phytosanitary What did not happen to normal.
 Health Department of Guangdong Province early this morning has issued a notice to the media, and Hong Kong patients with 41 passenger flights to Guangzhou via Shanghai, but there is still unable to contact 11, the Guangdong Provincial Health Department asked them to immediately with the local Center for Disease Control and Prevention Contact, receive medical observation. Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention Phone is :020-84451025.
 Japan: a new type of influenza so slightly disturbed by World Table Tennis Championships in Japan in stable condition overall
 Global outbreak of influenza type H1N1 is also held in Yokohama, Japan, the 50th session of the World Table Tennis Championships brought a trace of unease. Yesterday, the Japanese Health, Labor and Welfare announced that Japan confirmed the first case of suspected infection. The infection is suspected, a 17-year-old high school students, on the 25th of his trip home from Canada after the fever, cough and other flu symptoms, the day before yesterday to a hospital in Yokohama when they seek medical treatment were classified as suspected cases. The face of a possible epidemic, World Table Tennis Championships which will be affected? Connection is an interview with the following World Table Tennis Championships in Yokohama's China correspondent of the Voice --
 Voice of China: Yesterday, suspected cases of Yokohama, the World Table Tennis Championships Organizing Committee are not immediately adopt some measures?
 Reporter: Yesterday, suspected cases of sudden news is published on the notice of the Organizing Committee we would like to open a news conference. At that time, around 12:40 noon, we are the venue of the press gallery game interview, the staff to give each seat put a piece of paper. 14:00 says held a news conference, which is about the competition of new influenza prevention. Prior to that we do not have any news.
Reporter: At a news conference, tournament officials said the organizing committee, the Yokohama municipal government has been disseminated to the public to prevent an order to start preventive measures in the city. World Table Tennis Competition places emphasis on prevention. World Table Tennis Championships Organizing Committee proposed three measures: first, in the stadium entrance to the installation of infrared thermal detection device to detect the body temperature of human persons; Secondly, to inform participants wash their hands; Third, free hand sanitizer and protective masks. In addition, the Organizing Committee Athletic Stadium Yokohama, the venue is still to be arranged within the medical staff, divided into three groups, 24-hour rotation守侯. At the same time, Table Tennis Federation is the official medical staff other than staying in the stadium where athletes may be out, ready to provide medical assistance to athletes.
 Voice of China: We know that table tennis in the indoor and outdoor air flow better. According to your observation, is how complex the situation in the sample? Just now you said that these measures have been implemented?
 Reporter: The stadium will have a change in the afternoon, toilet and wash hands a lot beside the pool disinfectant. There is the athletes and coaches of the many entrances and exits were closed, leaving only an export and import, so that the person inside the toilet like the last to leave, then we have to first, and then admitted绕场almost a week, very inconvenient . More changes may be seen today, when competition, stadium staff at the gate told me that they had received notice prior to 10:00 today, will not allow the audience to enter the court, due to the installation of detection equipment. But the entrance of athletes and journalists will, as usual, and may in the entrance of athletes and journalists will not install detection equipment. Equipment will be directly installed in the indoor journalists, athletes should be fitted lounge. Today, they have to issue a "how to prevent influenza A," the promotional materials. Those who need it can be来拿own.
 Voice of China: We are very concerned about the situation of the Chinese table tennis team, as far as you know, there are now teams have not been the impact of influenza incident?
 Reporter: The Chinese men's team coach Liu Guoliang said that currently there is no team for the swine flu to take special measures for the protection awareness of the organizing committee is more worry, more secure. Chinese women's head coach Shi Zhihao said that the team has yet to study this matter, go back and ask again. But two days ago, after Liu Guoliang in Japan have been developed to allow a team a false alarm, Fortunately, he was just a cold, the spirit of yesterday looks pretty good. He also reminded members to observe good personal hygiene and warm, competitions and training in a timely manner after a change in clothing.
 Voice of China: With regard to your observation, the local Japanese people's lives have not been there the impact of suspected cases? World Table Tennis Championships will be affected?
 Reporter: I have read here, the domestic media coverage, "" swine flu suspected there Yokohama "news, the World Table Tennis Championships at the scene of many viewers, reporters and staff are to wear a protective mask. "Colleagues feel that it might have misunderstood the situation in Japan. Japanese people usually wear a mask on, and this is a talk about their health habits. Some people own very consciously cold cough to wear a mask. When I first came often to see the two days of wearing masks was also very much surprised. Asked the staff not be worried about, they laughed, saying that there is no worry. They said the city government issued a similar message is normal. I asked them to wear a mask tomorrow would come to work, they said that they would not, unless their caught a cold fear of transmission to other people would consider wearing. Asked a number of foreign athletes, they do not care about any of shrugged and said, business as usual. Entries due to the scattered members living in different hotels, all they did not say what measures to take. Yesterday's game late into the night. 22:00 walk from the venue to the hotel restaurant on the road to see a lot of very lively bars. Because of the May 1 holiday on the 6th release in Japan at night the street is full of people. There are groups in a bar in front of kidding. Did not see the epidemic to Yokohama, to the impact of World Table Tennis Championships.




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