
Internet real-name system in Hangzhou cold: the real identity is no available

Hangzhou Standing Committee adopted the "Hangzhou, the protection of computer information network security regulations," states: from May 1 this year, the post was Bo, an effective network to provide proof of identity. Hangzhou became the first local legislation through the implementation of a "network of real-name system" of the city. But members of the community controversy, the local site, said a number of difficulties in implementing it.

■ too difficult to practice the true identity is no available

Network Forum in Hangzhou, click on the registration of the required information as shown, the total is not the evidence of proof of identity. Account registered a reporter, get about 10 seconds, you can post messages of freedom.

Website a number of local customer service staff in an interview said that their website also does not require users to provide valid proof of identity. Zhejiang online forum customer service staff that is really implemented, I am afraid to wait until specific notice of the relevant departments. 19th floor, the customer service staff said, "We are aware of this matter, but how the operation is not very clear." >> Comment network information, Luoyang life: http://luoyanglife.com/  >> Luoyang discount forum I love life: http://bbs.luoyanglife.com/  >> Henan entrance examination Network: http://www.edu-ha.com/index.php  >> just one sentence: http://log-by-me.blogspot.com/

"Internet users to verify the accuracy of information, it is difficult to do." Hangzhou, a local official said the site is to allow users to face-to-face validation of our site or in the registration requirements of real users fill in the requested information? There are no detailed requirements.

Malicious attacks can not be defined

Shanghai Information Law Association Under-Secretary-General Li put forward by the lawyers, laws and regulations in your "clear", clearly defined in order to let everyone have a clear behavioral expectations. And Hangzhou, the "new rules", a number of concepts such as "malicious," "personal attacks" "rumors" "disturbing social order", "false defamation of others, the fact that" "may endanger" and so on, and there is no detailed definition. These concepts are directly related to the punishment or to deal with the contents of the definition of the absence of details, it would be tantamount to the relevant administrative departments discretionary great space, which is not bound by the rule of law in line with the modern spirit of the authority of government.

Experts also pointed out that by spreading rumors and insinuations of others, personal attacks, such as the terms of the actual operation is also difficult, for example, some count as false rumors of rumors? How to ensure that law enforcement agencies to determine the fair? Determine the "disturbing social order", etc. should be through open discussion and debate? Ultimately to decide which department? On the "defamation" What is the criteria? Including corruption scandals involving officials in cases of personal privacy are also considered it? So on and so forth.

■ Network monitoring Internet users need to encourage the protection of the right to criticize

All sectors of the community is most concerned about is the "Regulations" Article 19: Internet information service providers to provide electronic bulletin board, online games and other instant messaging services, with user registration information and dissemination of information audit function, and to honestly report their application to open the above-mentioned effective service identification. Electronic bulletin board service is to refer to the Internet forums, chat rooms, message boards, blog and other interactive forms of information for Internet users in terms of release.

Hangzhou People's Congress Standing Committee that, with the number of online forms of communication, Internet users, the number of the rapid growth of Internet cafes, computer information network security is becoming increasingly prominent, and there is a need for local laws and regulations in order to protect national security, public interests and social stability, safeguard the citizens of , legal persons and other organizations of the legitimate rights and interests.

"The new regulations" a, so that more than 500 million Internet users in Hangzhou all of a sudden "jump" up, many users believe that Internet speech must be "real name", this will bring a lot of negative effects - "filter" the ascendant "network monitoring", at present, the relevant departments need to look at more of a "how to further protect the users of certain unscrupulous officials to criticize the right!"

So no worries report

In recent years, network monitoring has played an increasingly important social role, particularly in the public opinion has become an important supplement to traditional public opinion. Tiger Week events such as Shaanxi, Yunnan duomaomao events, Nanjing Ligeng week long event, Wenzhou "buyers" scandal, etc., are claimed by anonymous users, the concern of the community, and ultimately was able to restore the truth, good and evil.

Some users are worried that "accurately registered users valid identification," the network will deal a fatal blow to supervision. Inter-site forums often forget the people of Hangzhou, Miss Xu said that the real name to post messages, write blog, who would report? "I am a dare."

Sociology of Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, Yang Jianhua, deputy director of the said real name is reported to bear a lot of risk. For the time being, the government oversight for the network should "encourage" rather than "filter" and promptly eliminating doubt and confusion, and guide public opinion online. If you simply plug the freedom of speech, the results are often not achieve much.

"To protect the network security, the first speaker to protect the rights and interests of the network. The Internet is effective to ease social contradictions' exhaust valve ', and' network of real-name system 'to plug the' exhaust valve '." Zhejiang University College of the media and an associate professor of international cultural Optional Shao believes that the network can not, there are some problems of speech and "yinyefeishi."
■ expand the channels for real-name system for the demands of strong pushing hard to promote easy

Another focal point of controversy is: "network real-name system" will "shrink" the demands of citizens to express the channel.

In recent years, the party and government leaders at all levels and the general public increasingly frequent exchanges through the network, the Internet has now become citizens of an important channel for the expression of demands. Supreme People's Procuratorate recently released the revised "People's Procuratorate Work Report," a report in the new channel, the network is one of them.

Yang Jianhua said: "The citizens of the Internet has become an important channel for the expression of the aspirations of one of the important reasons for posting on the network from the reported effects of anonymity and enlarge it to protect the safety of informants, but also came to nothing could have been avoided."

YANG Jian-hua believes that departments should consider how to broaden and open channels of Internet users demands, it is necessary to sum up the case through a successful online guide rational and orderly manner of speech and experience, not all Internet users are "fenqing", there is no need for "one stick" to fight death.

Optional Shao believes that the views expressed by users, there are some rumors, the language of violence and other issues, but that is rarely part of law-abiding majority of Internet users is; for spreading rumors like the Internet, can be held accountable through the criminal law and other laws its responsibilities, if a very small number of people to prevent bad behavior, and to all Internet users, "contraction of space," it would not "overkill" then?

"Real-name system can only be encouraged, not mandatory legislation." Zhejiang Provincial Office for Overseas Publicity on the official said. Zhejiang Economic and Information Committee of the Director of Information Management qujunqing told reporters: "In the opinion, we have written to the Provincial People's Congress reflected the views of the two, I hope to consider carefully the discretion to defer the introduction of the Ordinance, which is not a lot of content mature, nor is it a good operation, not to the legislative stage now. "

Media experts believe that the management of the Internet, it is necessary to adhere to three principles: First, the demands will help broaden the channels for citizens; The second is to promote active and effective oversight of the network; Third, it helps create a healthy and progressive network environment.

Zhejiang University Guanghua School of Law, Dr. Yang said: "Are we only through the real-name system in order to create a healthy network environment? From the current situation, with the relevant departments of the technical means, not the implementation of network real names, some use of the Internet is not a crime were also 'pull' out of it? "




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