
Mobile Broadband: We need what kind of content and applications

Mobile broadband content industry 10 Daxin mode:

That the contents of the following model of the Imagination, not in the abstract, but most have been started to put into practice, it should be in the near future is expected to become popular on the content or application of mobile broadband.

Reading light (light glance): Light of the meaning of not only the meaning of light, as well as the meaning of light, because a growing number of mobile phone screen is designed backlight, which enables users in a small screen can be seen clear enough to feel. Phone-based reading, in the depth of thinking is not only lower than paper-based books to read (reading), even lower than the browser on your computer's browser (browse), are often focused on the most prominent places See at a glance (glance), to read information time in seconds to calculate, using the time is fragmented, so the content should not be too long, a few seconds to read the best one. VIVA such as Xinhua News Agency on a joint that provides a world map, pictures, video is very short.

On demand: VOD / AOD On-demand will become a mobile phone to read the main video or audio means. Especially in mobile phone audio mobile terminals that have many applications, such as driving, cooking and exercise time. Content providers can be developed for a number of popular audio version of content, such as best-selling book, the traditional broadcast storytelling, comic play, such as packaging, the user process in the long-distance travel can listen all the way complete.

Featured: the spirit of traditional media and the attitude of the editor of new media will find the opportunity to revive, because the content-rich mobile broadband will certainly need to edit in accordance with its values and vision screening, combined with the user's on-demand subscription, only sperm selected high-quality content to attract subscribers to the long-term point of view. Such advice is usually selected on the quality of information available to the demanding business, the Chief who, for example, mobile phone version of the Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance's information, some funds invest in dynamic, or a research report published on a regular basis.

Unlimited extension of the editorial board: Content production and no longer confined to the selection of some of the authority of institutions, a mobile broadband media can be an unlimited expansion of the editorial department, meaning that any person in any place where the network can be published in his / She's the media, at least now, there is no regulatory requirement for all mobile Internet publications must have numbers. CP companies can make use of such conditions would be outside the author, editor of the internal resources, such as the use of a freelance writer, such as cooperation in the form of contract, to the CP to draw up its own platform, rich content, and perhaps the starting point for the Chinese can learn from the model network to the mobile Broadband to the above, but will join the more than photographers and DV enthusiasts.

Rich media reported that the phone: only text and small pictures is a 2G phone at the times of information products, 3G era is more full-screen picture, not fun, then add audio, video and other forms of streaming media can be said to be reported that second-generation mobile phones.

Micro-payment information: the total area of some vertical search engines can not find out the information is inaccurate or check, in the past the need for you to find a local person, such as libraries, museums or exhibition of certain professional fields, including the recent Shanghai Station , or some special block map, then there is the demand for mobile broadband will have on the provision of, the CP will be easier to integrate these data services on their own, the real value of the information, check first to pay 1 to 2 yuan consumers expense. For example, to identify a lot of antique collectors, I would like to compare information from the same period of similar treasures, full access to the database of the National Museum of China, look at pictures, text information, and even listen to on, check how much money or a work used monthly.

Link to purchase online: not only from some of the clothing fashion magazine picture link to a section of the online purchase of fashion site, and you can do, just enter your height and measurements data can be achieved Fitting 3D. Imagine playing with mobile phones look like that and you build the 3D models, to give him / her with all kinds of transformation, take a look at a paragraph in the end fashion suitable for your body, and then one-click link to buy the last easy.

Link to online reservations: airline tickets, hotels, etc. is scheduled to be a problem early on, but also a breakdown of the consumption of scheduled services will appear in the phone. For example, the next play golf, or even in a stadium in front of an appointment in advance which route, which a few holes, when play intermittently, you can also phone your reservations to go to the next restaurant meal, location routes as well as the restaurant environment, the location of the seat selection, food can be a big picture displayed on the mobile phone, just as you visit the restaurant looked like a real a la carte dishes. Cinemas, concert scheduled for the same by phone.

Invisible advertising: users Widget can be used more or less of their income, hobbies, sketch, etc., then the CP or App suppliers know a particular type of real estate advertising section, or the price of a vehicle to which ads should be put in, or directly embedded in and see a car or inconsistent showings related to the application window, the ads will become more and more based on your needs, the conditions for you to put in, so you do not feel it is in advertising, this full day care personal cell phone terminal to find out more specific user data has done.

Precision Advertising: The advertising is already an invisible than traditional advertising to be accurate, but a combination of e-commerce purchase history of user information, it can become more accurate, mainly to promote the form of promotions, such as fast food chains Download The discount coupons, or as the red child, IKEA and other promotional information through the member information and ordering links, e-commerce by advertising docking.

Subversive potential of the 7 major areas:

PPP uses the mobile broadband Internet, the Internet will lead to the traditional nature of the changes occurred in many areas, because the vast majority of customers tend to value the beginning of consumer behavior and more accurate models and effective, a number of business models rely on immature or unsound value chain temporarily successful PPP model will gradually with depth and impact of universal, or gradually from the stage of history. Here are some (not all) may be the gradual disintegration of the areas of differentiation (a lot of proof are based on our experiments with the prototype, the industry will also prove to provide more practice):

Portal: touch window model is in fact the vertical portal model, more focus on a specific areas, such as a lot of people go directly to Yahoo Technology (alone touch the window), rather than Yahoo. Focus on vertical industry portal brings the precision and convenient tail. Because the authority of vertical portals, experts can be more professional, more direct and exciting interactive web site with the user. Traditional "big gateway" will be forced to split for a more accurate "small door", the traditional profit model of general-purpose portal also will be forced to change, not change in those at risk.

Search: search has always been there is a "precision" and "recall" the contradiction, Google also admitted that the current can search G search needs less than a human 10%; In the face of tens of thousands of diverse Find needs, such as WikiMobile, and if in the Apps Store in the match to find the Apps Widget. Vertical search PPP mode will be a gradual replacement of a broad search; "Ctrip" hit "Where" and the challenge is inevitable, many of the generalized search sites and business models will also face enormous crisis.

Traditional online advertising models: the demand of users to advertisers, advertising and direct accurate implicit practical alternative to a large number of ads, "entropy," a very small traditional advertising model, businesses can be made directly through the "Widget" to achieve the purpose of any of its markets and directly target audience, the traditional online advertising gradually became the emperor's new clothes. People who affected by the model, mode and print media agencies and other Internet Ad.

SNS: According to PPP in Apps template files to touch the window of data mining classification, all users can be divided into approximately 200 to 300 category, while the SNS is just one of a number of the sub-class consumers, SNS is a breakdown of the characteristics and precise, detailed sub-market business is very marketing value, but customer demand for true cross-SNS, and therefore the need for cross-border operations to SNS, SNS This has resulted in the paradox of the current development environment. PPP-based "virtual communities" with a broader community and the personal portal Widget of SNS-based cross-synchronization, the SNS will narrow the existing difficulties and the ceiling gives the prospects and challenges of development.

Security: personal portal from any point of view are more secure because the Apps from the "cloud" side, and whenever the user when both synchronous and refresh occurred. At present, HIV and non-security factors has not reached the "cloud" the extent of the virus; At the same time, the use of touch Apps window is subject to the ultimate user control of digital DNA, any non-safety factors can not be copied and the use of DNA, the previous user ID associated with a variety of security issues will be resolved. Therefore, the traditional network security mechanisms and manufacturers will be given a new security system.

Private: MBB, the problem and the most up to allow users to worry about is the issue of personal privacy. PPP Pattern used and the number of DNA common to identify the user ID of the technology, could eventually do so "only to do good" rather than "not evil", not only for customer service can only provide customers with friendly service, as "Laoshan Taoist magic of "When impure motives, the situation is out of order (which is in communication experiments fingerprints have been proven right). In this way,阴私traditional security issues and solutions will change a lot.

Cottage terminal: terminal if there is no network to support store, only the equivalent of one in any "bank" (the network "Apps Touch Window" shops) are not money brush "card." When the terminal face of pure cottage "Web store", many do not have the technical conditions, there will be passive on the water without the embarrassment of wood, as when the PC is not networked at the most is a "smart toys", as it soon meaningless. These pure cottage will gradually be reduced to the low-end terminal equipment, with the continuous decline in profit margins, but the final information from the consumer market.

Application of mobile broadband industry Sing Mode 7:

With some old model from the manufacturers, a number of new industry and business will be respected, the new opportunities for the development of more room for imagination. In particular, some operators and transition areas, the outlook is clearer up (part of):

Apps tail development model: personalized PPP "manufacturing" industry, including personality Widget Development, Widget Development because of its simple and fast, excellent user experience, facilitate application deployment, application release packages and many other small features make it particularly well suited to meet industry, enterprise or needs of an individual's personality, that is mentioned in The Long Tail "long tail" needs of industry conditions.

Professional Store: a variety of vertical applications, including business applications, enterprise applications. Even confused the enterprise market has long been how to develop Web applications, such as how to develop digital home will be a gradual emergence of new opportunities and dawn. IBM's so-called concept of Digital Earth will become a model for this application, a carrier and take the lead in revenue in the industry.

Network of department stores, Virtual Store: the future operators must be "network", "UnionPay features", "User Data Management", "digital trading platform," a combination between the four functions. And the network it is not the only store that has the operator, the situation will be letting a hundred flowers bloom. Therefore, all kinds of shopping, Mall, stores, 7 × 11 modes, such as the emergence of "small Taobao", "Little Ali" will be springing up, so will the number of consumer goods to meet enormous wealth and adequate supply.

Widget Industry Chain: As "Widget Development Institute," touch the window on behalf of developers, marketing channels touch window, touch the window embedded ads (hidden and direct advertising, Cinema advertising decals new model), Widget Based of the OS, PPP and Widget operations, and so will be popular.

Intelligent Terminal: Terminal 1 to be at any bank, any network of any shopping mall with money to brush the "card" and have the DNA type of security, the SIM card and local storage to the network expansion of new functionality and performance, the must be IID [smart Internet devices]. Therefore, any terminal business will drive the direction of the development of both North Korea IID, IID will not fail to realize the true sense of the Web2.0, and the traditional PC, the traditional TV, the traditional cell phone will have to decline and potential extinction.

Digital Asset Trading Platform: Any Cyber Space Application and information consumption, and an abstract example, are among the digital assets under a broad sense of the "deal", whether paid or unpaid. Therefore, they both need a trading platform, it had completed its digital asset storage, transportation, processing, control, transaction management, billing, logistics, tax, audit, transaction authentication, metering and so on. This is the so-called Digital Asset Exchange (DAM) concept. Widget Store all kinds of transactions is only a special case of DAM.

Cloud services (cloud storage, cloud computing, cloud security, network virtualization, etc.): PPP itself needs a Cloud, the number of DNA also requires a Cloud, DAM and Widget Store need not only a cloud, but cumulus layer, large tracts of cloud. Therefore, in addition to storage, CDN, IDC, UDC (User Data Center), such as clouds, but also the need for more practical cloud of fine structure to support the business operations and SaaS, SOA. This is the real cloud off the land.




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Opera首席执行官Jon S. von Tetzchner今天表示,就浏览器来说,虽然互联网经历了十年的高速发展期,但浏览器内核本身实际没有实质突破,谷歌Chrome虽然是个新的浏览器,但与苹果Safari一样都是基于WebKit内核,"可以说,十年来浏览器本身没有出现新内核",Jon表示。 作为一家老牌的浏览器厂商,Opera浏览器桌面版市场占有率远远落后于IE和Firefox,但是在移动产品市场中,Opera却处于遥遥领先的地位。IDC今年10月的统计数据显示,Opera mini版全球活跃用户已经超过2100万,同时Opera还通过与老牌游戏机厂商任天堂合作将Opera 浏览器内置到NDSL掌机和热销的Wii游戏机中,Jon表示,"Opera mini 是我们目前最重要的产品之一,今年1到9月Opera mini的用户量增长超过350%,在中国我们也通过与空中网的合作不断提升市场份额"。Opera mini也使用了云计算的概念,在手机上网时,服务器端会进行数据压缩,手机用户上网访问WWW网页会拥有更快的速度和效率。 事实上,Opera是目前全球唯一一家跨平台浏览器厂商,Jon表示,"不管是手机、还是移动设备、还是机顶盒、还是电脑,Opera都可以提供优质快速稳定的浏览器。" 不过Jon也坦陈,"对Oprea来说,我们的营收主要来自三个方面,比较传统的仍然是软件授权预装和桌面版流量点击分成,不过从今年开始,Opera已经开始与T-Mobile等重要运营商开始按照Opera mini的用户活跃度进行合作分成,这是Opera未来的一个巨大增长点。" 1995年末,Jon S. von Tetzchner与Opera总程序设计师Geir Ivars y在挪威成立Opera Software 公司,之前两人供职于挪威最大的运营Televerket ,1995年,Televerket 更名为今天的Telenor。   2008-11-28   洛阳生活信息点评网:http://luo...


云南昆明ATM机取400元吐出4000元,银行叫市民还钱。之后银行收到这位市民一封回信,内容如下: 1:请在我规定的时间到我家来取,时间是早上7点到8点,晚上7点到9点,其他时间我要上班和休息。  2:到我家后请在过道口取号,然后在楼梯间蹲着等待叫号,请在我家门口黄线外等待。  3:请提供你的有效证件,在我奶奶那里领取申请表,填好后签名,盖公章,我会对比你们的公章,要是模糊了,我会叫你回去重新盖。  4:你要是要问我取了多少钱,对不起,请支付查询费,一笔2元。  5:提供你的单位证明,委托书等资料。(注意这个"等"字,到时候突然想起还需要什么,你自己回去拿。)  6:手续全部完成后,请交纳取款手续费,每笔4元,然后留下TEL号码,我会把资料提交到我老婆那里审批,20个工作日,到我家领取。当然,来领取时请重复1,2,3步骤