
Li Secret Venture History: headhunt Beijing University, is an associate professor of the highest-ranking

Resources located in Zhongguancun of Beijing quiet hotel, surrounded by many colleges and universities, a rich talent pool, the technology for Baidu entrepreneurial companies are very favorable. Furthermore, as going out from the people of Beijing University, Beijing University Li how much or little of the complex, from the Beijing University here recently, perhaps he is taken into account at this time to draw in a group of Beijing University after the internship.
 Construction companies do not spend too much time. The risk of contact with investors at the same time, Li began to build for the company R & D team.
 The first objective is to Liu.
 Liu Jianguo have presided over by the National Natural Science Foundation of the State Planning Commission and a number of research projects funded in the domestic IT industry is a small well-known figure. His most successful and well known is that the organization has developed the first Chinese search engine - Skynet. Prior to joining Baidu, Liu Jianguo is purely academic. In 1988, Liu from Xi'an Jiaotong University computer science graduate the same year, students entering a master's degree in Computer Science, Peking University, MA in 1991 to teach school after graduation, from 1997 to 1998, Illinois State University in the United States for two years a visiting scholar.
 Liu Jianguo Li and结缘is in the summer of 1998. At that time, Li, Tsinghua University intends to engage in a search engine of the talks, in terms of technology, Skynet was the best home search, as a leading developer of Skynet's Liu Jianguo Li naturally become the subject of the invitation. However, since then a variety of reasons, Liu did not attend that lecture. Although there is no opportunity to meet, but Li has been noted in mind the people.
 The end of 1999, the eve of the return to entrepreneurship, Liu Jianguo Li remembered the name. Thus, at the time of his days in accordance with the Email address of the Internet to stay Liu Jianguo made a message on its own plans and to the Chinese search engines some of the views and invited Liu to do with him the project. Soon, Liu Jianguo a reply will be sent. In the next period of time, Li and Liu also discussed a number of search topics, in the opinion of the technology on the views of the entire Internet industry, as well as the importance of the future of search engines and so on, they can be described as like-minded.
 The two never met the search engine technology experts, in spite of the technical discussions in the Great minds think alike, but Liu Jianguo or indefinite delay. At this time, Liu was promoted to Associate Professor of only a few months. At that time, Beijing University of professor, associate professor of classification, divided into 123 professors, associate professors is 456, Liu was the fourth grade, is now the highest-ranking associate professor of Beijing University, a professor a few years is certainly a . Seat, the house has been, and social status挺高, very comfortable life, it is necessary to take up their hand and the status of these honors, Liu Jianguo natural to consider it seriously. At that time, Beijing is also very highly of Liu Jianguo, including party secretary of the Department of Beijing University, including old colleagues are reluctant to let him go.
 Liu Jianguo at a time when indecision by the United States a friend of Li's background investigation, the survey revealed: Robin has a strong spirit of innovation, technology in the global search engine experts ranked very high, very good character. Know the so-called re-hero hero, Liu Jianguo Li appreciate very much for that he is a trustworthy, really want a cause, people who have a long-term vision. First of all, to find partners who are looking for at this time, Liu Jianguo Li endorsed this man, and secretly determined to resign the next.
 In fact, Liu Jianguo more attractive is that since 1995 engaged in search engine technology since the relevant research, with the wave of commercialization of the Internet continues to advance, Liu Jianguo also see the search engine technology, as well as the enormous potential of their units limitations. At the university, while also leading a development team, but Liu is very clear, only to join the industry in order to truly realize the value of technology. >> Comment network information, Luoyang life: http://luoyanglife.com/  >> Luoyang discount forum I love life: http://bbs.luoyanglife.com/  >> Henan entrance examination Network: http://www.edu-ha.com/index.php  >> just one sentence: http://log-by-me.blogspot.com/
 After careful consideration, Liu found the report of Head of the Department submitted a resignation. Many of his colleagues are simply too shocking, Liu's parents also do not understand - who does not want to go to Beijing will be able to place a trial of strength to all others crowded inside, but his son ran out, placed the golden rice will not haoduanduan, 35-year-old was first resign his post, to an uncertain future, just create a risk of smaller companies.
In spite of the pressures of the background, Liu Jianguo finally joined Baidu, Baidu in China has become the first recruitment of staff. Later, Liu Jianguo Li-Min Zhou to-day network also introduced to Baidu, responsible for architecture design.
 General, military adviser have been, the next step is recruiting. Li and Liu Jianguo, who are so technical, relatively simple ideas and would like to recruit a number of purely technical personnel to do search engine. They need to look into colleges and universities nearby.
 Internet industry was hot, no fee will be looking for what a strong group of students from an interview a few days later, the whole team on the formation of the company up. From the cuishanshan Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Jiaotong University, such as Guo gaze intently Baidu in the recruitment of students is the first batch of interns.
 At that time, Baidu resources at the university guesthouse has just rented a 1414 and 1417 as the Office Suite 2. Office until after the Chinese New Year decoration, and taste particularly great. Li and Xu 1417 is the office, which also separated from a small meeting room. 1414 is the work of local engineers, there are 10 seats, are a group of two people of the deck, the location of relatively spacious. Wall was also put to rest a small table, the table full of food, this is perhaps the origin of Baidu Free Breakfast. In addition, the Office there is also a white board, publish a number of important information. It is two houses, the next two years Baidu witnessed many important historical moment.
 January 3, 2000, resources in the North 1414 and 1417 hotel rooms, Baidu in the history of the first meeting of all staff. Baidu at this time, a total of Li, Xu, Liu Jianguo, Guo gaze intently, Lei Ming, Wang Xiao, personal cuishanshan 7. Participants in this 7 Baidu came to be known as "Seven Swordsmen." As the house is too small, we can only set the bed sitting on the legs meet. There is no talk at the meeting, this group of academic research, technology, people do not engage in the same old trick used, the simple introduction of team members and division of responsibilities, the topic will be on the search engines to research and development. At the end of time, we work for the future has been more or less awareness.
 That day, yinyin days, and a bit cold. When everyone from the North of resources that small room hotel to walk out of the time, perhaps not aware that they have unwittingly embarked on the development history of China's Internet the most important journey. The next 9 years, they experienced many hardships, pressures and risks, but also gain a lot of success, joy and excitement. Today, Baidu has more than seven employees 000 people, average age 28 years old. "Baidu," the name of their own intellectual property rights has become a national symbol of the brand. Even the original entrepreneurs do not think that a short period of 9 years, and Baidu on the building of a myth.




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Opera首席执行官Jon S. von Tetzchner今天表示,就浏览器来说,虽然互联网经历了十年的高速发展期,但浏览器内核本身实际没有实质突破,谷歌Chrome虽然是个新的浏览器,但与苹果Safari一样都是基于WebKit内核,"可以说,十年来浏览器本身没有出现新内核",Jon表示。 作为一家老牌的浏览器厂商,Opera浏览器桌面版市场占有率远远落后于IE和Firefox,但是在移动产品市场中,Opera却处于遥遥领先的地位。IDC今年10月的统计数据显示,Opera mini版全球活跃用户已经超过2100万,同时Opera还通过与老牌游戏机厂商任天堂合作将Opera 浏览器内置到NDSL掌机和热销的Wii游戏机中,Jon表示,"Opera mini 是我们目前最重要的产品之一,今年1到9月Opera mini的用户量增长超过350%,在中国我们也通过与空中网的合作不断提升市场份额"。Opera mini也使用了云计算的概念,在手机上网时,服务器端会进行数据压缩,手机用户上网访问WWW网页会拥有更快的速度和效率。 事实上,Opera是目前全球唯一一家跨平台浏览器厂商,Jon表示,"不管是手机、还是移动设备、还是机顶盒、还是电脑,Opera都可以提供优质快速稳定的浏览器。" 不过Jon也坦陈,"对Oprea来说,我们的营收主要来自三个方面,比较传统的仍然是软件授权预装和桌面版流量点击分成,不过从今年开始,Opera已经开始与T-Mobile等重要运营商开始按照Opera mini的用户活跃度进行合作分成,这是Opera未来的一个巨大增长点。" 1995年末,Jon S. von Tetzchner与Opera总程序设计师Geir Ivars y在挪威成立Opera Software 公司,之前两人供职于挪威最大的运营Televerket ,1995年,Televerket 更名为今天的Telenor。   2008-11-28   洛阳生活信息点评网:http://luo...


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