
dingxipo, "Chief Operating Officer"

Evening, near dusk.
 Luxury villas.
 Luxury villa in the living room, sat two people.
 The two men.
 "Please drink tea."
 Is a white person to speak, it is clear that he is the owner of the villa.
 Men in Black端起茶杯, glass of red slip down.
 "I'm here, tea, tea is the best."
 "Old school, or you hundehao ah."
 "Where is where is my good fortune over the past few years more than that."
 Evening, is the evening.
 "I come around you, not to ask you a cup of tea." White people slowly drank a tea.
 He is in the tea.
 Tea with the difference between a cup of tea, tea some more elegance.
 No matter what way a cup of tea, taste tea, is the same.
 "What happened?" Men in Black said.
 "We recently received a venture capital."
 "You have to obtain the funding? Business network rich oil, no need to accept the investment, right?"
 "Our e-commerce projects, certainly no need to accept the investment. However, we have a new project this is."
 "What new project?"
 "This is the secret, but I can reveal to you in advance. We are ready to be a search site."
 "Search site? That is not to be found and our network-wide competition?"
 "Your company's market capitalization?"
 "Close to 10 billion U.S. dollars."
 "No matter who will not are not interested in 10 billion U.S. dollars."
 Evening, after dusk.
 "Do you mean to let me give you high-level information collection companies?"
 Black people listen to understand the meaning of the old classmates.
 Just now, he said a lot of old school, but he can not hear you understand that part of the most critical.
 "Yes. The two companies, information is very important." White people do not deny that.
 "This, you do not have to worry. We are just high school students, but no one knows the two companies we are students."
 "I was a bit worried."
 "I am a very cautious person, you should be clear."
 "I do my best."
 "We go places, men like to go places."
 "What place?"
Early winter, Beijing.
 Cordingley leaning against a window ledge.
 Window, the winter morning sun like a pale and weak, like the elderly, there is no light shining past.
 Fog, great.
 The sun, it seems unable to penetrate the fog.
 Cordingley of this building for office space located at the latitude of the top floor of this building the name of the office is called "building-wide search network," found the whole network of Beijing Co., Ltd. of its online properties, but also the company's office building.
 This is a nickname for the office was "lattice", because from the outside, it is the page from a search box similar to the composition of the lattice. Of course, in the eyes of many employees, "lattice" is more like the eyes, because it is a search company to do, certainly not the eyes are not sharp.
 Cordingley every day in the "lattice" in work, in between belong to him, "lattice" and go to work.
 His company is a listed company in the United States a year ago landed the Nasdaq and the U.S. capital market, one of the most watched.
 Cordingley is the company's vice president in charge of the company's brand, public relations and commercial cooperation. The company has the world's largest Chinese search site-wide search network, the network found that many Chinese Internet users, or the use of Chinese Internet users find information on the preferred site.
 Search the whole network of Internet users in China has very high name recognition, many people credit the trade balance will be Cordingley in the head.
 Window, wind almost engulfed the city.
 Cordingley is not a very good mood.
 His bad mood, not because the cold weather. In fact, his office was very warm.
 He raised his left hand.
 On his left wrist, wearing a good watch to see. The SEIKO Spring Drive has a 28-year development, has produced more than 600 core samples, listed last year, his girlfriend WENG Li was one of the first buyers.
 Cordingley looked at the time.
 Now is the time to meet.
 Today, LI Bin, chairman of the company's top five executives convened to discuss the issue of new projects.
 The top five executives, together with LI Bin, who is the company a total of six executives.
 Cordingley is the need to participate in the meeting, one of six executives.
 LI Bin in a week ago, the company will develop new projects.
 Cordingley's trouble is that new projects.
 He is very inconsistent with the project.
 Outside, only the wind, not the scenery.
 He did not see the feelings of the scenery.
 Cordingley back to desk, computer prompt someone to run the MSN plus his friends.
 MSN display name of this very strange: hunters.
 "Three-master, plus I have important matters."
 Hunter sent a friend request.
 "Three young master" is the network name Cordingley.
 In fact, Cordingley a child on his family, above neither brother, nor brother.
 Cordingley, the name and the richest man in China, Ding Lei, Netease's founder similar name. As a result of NetEase portal排号in third, together with the names of two people so close to so many people called Cordingley as "Ding three master."
 Originally, he and Ding are not in any way related to, but the names of these two people can be easily linked together.
 In addition, Ding and Cordingley are belong to the same industry. On this point, people do not want to have a hard think.
 If you do not think the world be like? Three-master three-master on it, he gradually got used to this nickname.
 Over time, he also changed the name of MSN "three young master."
 Cordingley to accept the "hunters" of the friend request.
 The first news, more quickly.
 "Hunter" sent the first message, I think it was in Canada for his friends seconds after the success of the first issue.
 Cordingley dumbfounded.
 Not because the "hunters" the speed of typing, but he made up the content.
 "You will go to a meeting to discuss the project small and medium-sized e-commerce, is not it? Keep in mind that operators must not agree to new projects. While no one to support you, but you must adhere to their views."
 Search the entire network of e-commerce project is the company's highly confidential.
 The "hunter" is not only aware of network-wide search for new items to study, but also know the specific details of new projects.
 The people?
 Thus, Cordingley change to the Sogou Pinyin input method, using the keyboard win three words: "Who are you?"
 "Do not ask me who, I just want to help you."
 He then sent a few paragraphs to the text Cordingley, is his new project on the analysis.
 Cordingley eyes, by his writing attracted the content.
 Cordingley, like as a hunter, very dedicated to looking at the computer screen.
 Has come to the meeting time.
 Cordingley up to leave their offices, to conference rooms.
White people: "You are that your company's executives have had a meeting last week?"
 Men in Black: "Yes."
 White people: "Do you know the contents of the meeting?"
 Men in Black: "I do not know, only the company's six executives know."
 White people: "a little less than news about it?"
 Men in Black: "It seems that we have to do a new project, it is said technology is testing a new product."
 White people: "What new products? Is not the field of e-commerce?"
 Men in Black: "It is as if is a software products and e-commerce should be nothing to do."
 The company's most well-known conference room, called "Man Jiang Hong."
 In fact, only a small Azolla, a small red style.
 This small well-known is that this is a network of six executives found a meeting place, employees say it is network-wide search Zhongnanhai.
 Cordingley Conference Room on the first.
 Subsequently, Wei Xin, vice president, human resources director Jiang Hao, chief technology officer (CTO) Yang Yong, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Wang Zhan Shen arrived in the conference room.
 Each person's face is very easy.
 Cordingley's face is also very easy.
 He is an optimist.
 Optimistic, although optimism will not run into things. However, they are often able to quickly adjust their own feelings.
 It appears in the Cordingley, so that the workplace has become more optimistic about the mentality of the way is: make every effort to do a good job in their own affairs and not excessive considering the consequences.
 In his view, the result is often a difficult decision, but the attitude of the work, the process can be about their own.
 Cordingley took note of the Wei-yan, the vice president in charge of marketing, he laughed.
 Wei Yan has just returned from Guangzhou, South China Branch back.
 A few days ago, as the company's marketing staff to develop a new remuneration package, resulting in a lot of unhappy employees. Many employees to leave, absenteeism, such as conflict with the new remuneration package.
 Then, fly to the South China Wei-yan branch to appease the staff.
 See Wei Yan has a smile, Cordingley feel his trip to southern China should be very productive.
 Wei Yan yesterday returned to the company, but he had not been disclosed to the South China Cordingley trip results.
 He did not say it did not ask Cordingley.
 In addition to the jurisdiction of their own staff, Cordingley are not taking the initiative to say the work of others. He believes that people are willing to say things, and will definitely take the initiative to open. Things other people do not want to say, no need to ask. >> Comment network information, Luoyang life: http://luoyanglife.com/  >> Luoyang discount forum I love life: http://bbs.luoyanglife.com/  >> Henan entrance examination Network: http://www.edu-ha.com/index.php  >> just one sentence: http://log-by-me.blogspot.com/
 Wei Yan initiative began: "ah, three master ah come so early."
 Cordingley smiled and said: "Three to master, but three did not bring the sword master."
 "Fortunately, not with, ah, if the hands of three young master sword, who would come to ah."
 Wei Yan坏笑face.
 Wei Yan in xiaohua his huazhongyouhua.
 In the last meeting, Cordingley is Qunying words.
 Executives in the six, only one person Cordingley most firmly opposed to new projects.
 When the most intense, Cordingley and Wei Yan is almost up noisy.
 An argument why the two people? Not because of the view.
 Wei Yan is an advocate for new projects.
 The most resolute supporter.
 Firm supporter of the opposition and among the firm will certainly be friction.
 In fact, Cordingley and Wei Xin's friends has been quite good.
 Five people.
 The presence of now, there are five.
 Five, Cordingley and Wei Yan's better than most.
 But often it does not mean better relations between the same point of view, particularly in commercial projects above.
 Cordingley suddenly recalled a week ago, and Wei Yan chunqiangshezhan remarks.
 LI Bin: This e-commerce program, I prepared is not very good, I give you a brief introduction, then under all the views can be discussed.
 Wei Yan: the plan a good time to do should be driven out, the sooner the better.
 Cordingley: I do not approve of the plan, which is a big project, there are a lot of things none of us are ready.
 Wei Yan: ready! Ready! Prepared you will know. This age, the speed of the most important.
 Cordingley: You are too anxious.
 Wei Yan: I did not worry his mother is your short-sighted!
 Cordingley: Are you his mother is short-sighted!
 Bin Li: Do not quarrel, and you are in a meeting, or lunjian ah? lunjian cut off to the outside.
 After that, Cordingley and Wei Yan chat feel very ridiculous.
 Ridiculous things often do not think that was funny, but laugh afterwards.
 This way they talk, or have been a few years ago.
 A few years ago, their friends or classmates.
 A few years ago, the newly recruited their workplace.
 Now, they are ripe.
 Mature, they will not say so.
 Of course, between good friends, would not mind that.
 Both of them have been good friends.
 LI Bin metaphor for their quarrel "lunjian"
 Cordingley also interesting special feeling.
 Swordsman, is both elegant and cool career, if the swordsman is also so professional.
 Cordingley appreciate the swordsman, not because of swordsman fiction xingxiazhangyi inside the heroic deeds, but because swordsman who is very focused on their swords, to focus on their own sword, the sword to stab rivals focus.
 Swordsman, will concentrate on the immediate things that will not be distracted.
 Swordsmen will not distract the attention, Cordingley has been distracted.
 These, and unrelated to the upcoming meeting.
 Cordingley not take God, because the individual has reached the sixth "Azolla."
 The final scene, and certainly the most important figures.
 LI Bin, LI Bin, Chairman opened the door up.
 He wore a white leisure suit and a red tie line.
 In his company, the most formal dress code is also much better than this.
 His feet, wearing a "Adidas" running shoes, blue and white running shoes.
 LI Bin, slowly moving toward his seat.
Cordingley saw, he went at the head of the Khan, it should be the outcome of stairs up.

This was his only way to exercise, basically, he insisted to go to work every day of the first stairs.

This is the chairman of the board Cordingley, Cordingley around in his six years of work.

LI Bin early nineties of the last century and graduated from Department of Computer Science, Peking University, then went to MIT to complete a master's degree in computer science. After graduation, he had his inauguration on Wall Street, Silicon Valley, many large enterprises.

The initial stage of development in the search engine, LI Bin, as one of the world's earliest researchers first created a basic technology-related. The beginning of this century, the embrace of "technology is changing people's lives," the dream, LI Bin return to set up network-wide search.

After years of efforts, search the whole network has become the most commonly used Chinese Chinese search site. Last year, LI Bin's success in the U.S. Nasdaq market, has become the most talked about global capital markets, one of the listed companies. And LI Bin, the handsome young man looks has played the following roles: the dream, the talk, the company's stable, and public speakers, show the CEO, fashion media to chase the target.

Of course, LI Bin show now do not go, do not have to do public speaking, but also will not accept the fashion media.

Success in the company until his behavior can be found to increase network-wide visibility.

Search the entire network has been successful.

In other words, he can do what he likes to do.

His favorite thing to do is to his work.

LI Bin 36-year-old this year, but a single one.

As a technical experts, need to use a very long time to do technical studies. As a major listed company CEO, a day will have to deal with a lot of things.

Whatever people want to do a good job in these two things at the same time. Then he will not have the energy to do the third thing.

Cordingley in mind that the third thing is the happiest thing.
Cordingley has been a lot of people considered to be "perfect job." From the grass-roots sales start, and then vice president position to do more than he. Wei-yan, and Cordingley also went into companies, is now vice president of the company.

But the difference is that Wei Yan has taken the marketing line, Cordingley in the company's experience will be much richer.

He served as a salesman, sales manager, sales trainer, public relations manager, general manager of Alliance Web site, and he has also been part-time spokesman for the company's news.

This day and age, is an era full of changes. What enterprises need talent? A number of positions would be capable of the most talented of course, enterprises of all ages.

"Why am I able to do so many things? No, I do one thing each time and do a good job in this matter."

In his view, the choice to do one thing, it is necessary to dedicate.

Focus, one thing can we do our best.

All along, Cordingley all feel very lucky. Six years ago, found in the whole network just created, he joined the company. At that time, the company and China's tens of millions of small companies there is no difference. New Global Economy, Trade and Industry, especially the Internet, the rapid development of industry, he seized this opportunity, in a short period of time in 2056, it won the profession, wealth and success.

However, success is definitely not come knocking on the door. There are a lot of success, but the most fundamental is the first: to make the right choice.

He joined the company prior to their three issues out.

First, the Internet industry is not a great growth potential of the industry?

He replied: Yes.

Second, the company boss, is not a vision of a great ability to the business owner?

He replied: Yes.

Third, its advantages can be achieved in this industry?

He replied: Yes.

These three issues, he wrote in a note, this note has been his collection.

"All Red the River."

Some people, light, sound.

When people arrived at the scene of the most important time, "Azolla" The small become quiet.

When you quiet down, on the representatives to start the

Company meetings are generally put forward the theme of the first LI Bin, and then we re-express their views, and finally by the LI Bin so the final decision.

Six years, has always been the case.

"Today, we set about this thing, so everyone points out his own." They look around LI Bin, indicate the beginning of the meeting.

LI Bin opening is very simple, just as a simple network-wide search page in general.

This style, Cordingley also a full six years experience.

"I still strongly support the new business, the marketing channels we have opened cloth, more and more a product on a revenue, because customers are the same, just let the customers to purchase the same services. From customers the cost of development in terms of It is very cost-effective. "

The first speaker is the Wei-yan, his new business the most active.

Wei-yan, company vice president of marketing. Tianjin, a northern Han Toshiro.

Ten years ago, the International Business School, Nankai University, Department of Marketing, Cordingley and his classmates to become a university.

Six years ago, they found the whole network together, when only a dozen or so its still a small company.

One and a half years ago, in the whole city before the Internet search company personnel changes, they together promoted to vice president of the company.

From the grass-roots sales start, they are promoted to the highest level of listed companies time to less than five years.

Wei Yan might be the mysterious "hunters" do? Cordingley calculation of this probability.


Almost zero.

Absolute zero.

First of all, the relationship between both of them better, not so much a need to circle around.

Moreover, the conflict of their very obvious.

"Yes, I also support the new business. From a technical point of view, the development of small and medium-sized e-commerce platform with the search engine compared to the difficulty is too easy. Our technical team within a month you can develop a first-class platform ! "

This person in support of new business.

More like this person is determined in the table.

This person is a wenruo look of a scholar, but his tone is always filled with words of passion.

This person is talking Yong Yang, the company's chief technology officer (CTO).

Yang-yong, graduated from the Tsinghua University Department of Computer Science master's degree, taught school after graduation, was named associate professor. That year, the young arrogant 863 Yang Yong-hi-tech fund to the State to apply for a "Simplified Chinese Search Engine", the passage of the first round of applications, but in the end because of factors such as the junior was in the second round brush down.

Thus, in six years ago, found the whole network set up, after three invited Bin Li, Yang-yong resigned from the Tsinghua University, joined the search the whole network, and become the company's first employees.

Cordingley was calculated in the Yang-yong is "hunter" of probability.

Cordingley and Yang Yong-two people are more interested in history, normally under the strong Han Tang talk about.

However, Yang Yong-do technology, is not likely very familiar with the business operations.

Of course, he can not be ruled out is not an expert of louxiang.

If the Yang-yong really be an expert, the "hunter" ways and their own chat, is the most appropriate of all.

Into five.

Into at least five.

Cordingley believes that Yang Yong is "Hunter" the probability of at least five into.

"From the talent pool, our technical staff is adequate. However, the need for e-commerce platform to do a lot of customer service staff, and we need to be strengthened, but this thing is not too difficult, you can come through the recruitment and training solution. "

Jiang Hao speak is.

Jiang Hao, director of human resources that the human resources problems, but expressed support.

Jiang Hao, reportedly graduated from the famous School of Management of Japan's Waseda University, and served as the company's Shanghai Matsushita Electric, director of human resources.

A year ago he "parachuted" to the company prior to listing because the company managed to strengthen the standardization.

Jiang Hao wearing a dark blue suit, his dress should be the six most formal, and even likened Wei Yan marketing but also much more informal.

However, many companies that employees Peng mechanical model of Japanese companies is quite critical of management.

Many people think that this is his eighties of last century the previous management.

The management of the industrial age.

By now, however, is based on the information industry, represented by the new economy.

Jiang Hao a "hunter" is the probability of how much?

Cordingley relatively easy-going, or the work of Jiang Hao very supportive, although support is only superficial, but at least not as often as Wei Yan and Jiang Hao oppose.

This time, Jiang Hao should be standing on the point of view of human resources to help a bit Cordingley.

Of course, his efforts to help small.

Hao is a very good people see how the wind blows.

E-commerce program, LI Bin, chairman of the person.

LI Bin proposed project, must be attached the greatest importance.

LI Bin importance of this project will definitely want to hear the views of support.

Of course, know for sure Hao, LI Bin does not like people blindly support their own.

Therefore, Jiang Hao has been increased to consider the views of some of their own.

He would certainly not clear that a different tune, and LI Bin singing a different tune.

Jiang Hao to Cordingley on, he is unlikely to be so commercial operation on a thorough analysis.

Of course, the ability to see how the wind blows Jiang Hao, Chinese-style strategy for the study may have some study.

Such people tend to be mysterious.

Jiang Hao able to do high-level position, he certainly has a unique feature of.

Any one person can do the location of executives of large companies, are not too simple.

Into about three.

Cordingley believes that Jiang Hao incarnation as a "hunter" as the probability is about three.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Wang Zhan Shen lifted his head.

He raised his head just because he has been head.

He looked at Hao.

"This is not a big problem."

He was referring, of course, is the new project of human resources issues.

"Customer recruitment costs low, is not a question of the impact of our decision-making. From the stock market point of view, if we launch a new business, especially e-commerce such a popular item on our stock price up is a lot of good. I individuals also support the introduction of new business. "

Wang Zhan Shen speaking sounds serious.

But he is not a very serious person.

He spoke also to zhebei hands.

Serious people, not in such a solemn occasion of the meeting, there is not serious action.
Is there a voice.

T swap the sound on the ground.

Wang Zhan Shen T accidentally let out on the ground.

He got up to pick up the pen.

Meeting continues.

Wang Zhan Shen Bin Li is chairman of the board were too recent.

The growth of both of them have very similar experiences, such as two people are the only son at home, there are two sisters; two people to the United States to study, multinational corporations have been the inauguration.

Wang Zhan Shen and Jiang Hao almost airborne with the company from the company's overseas listing.

However, Wang Zhan-shen in the company's reputation is better than a lot of Jiang Hao.

Wang Zhan Shen worked before joining the company in the top international accounting firm of Ernst & Young, and Ernst & Young partner eligibility. Moreover, he has served as President of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission's assistant, from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America more than 60 companies to enter the U.S. capital market has provided technical advisory services.

A year ago, the company is listed, as the world's fastest price increase in one is a great tribute to Wang Zhan Shen.

Cordingley and Wang Zhan Shen executives in all the earliest recognized. Of course, LI Bin, chairman of the exception.

Wang Zhan Shen first time the company is driving to the airport Cordingley he.

Wang Zhan-shen is the number two man, his stance on the Bin Li plays a significant role in decision-making.

Moreover, to speak now of the three executives have great expectations for new projects.

Cordingley helakou pick up the cup of water.

He is not thirsty, drink more adjustments to a plan.
Hunter: meeting time, no one will support you.

Cordingley: how do you know no one will support me?

Hunter: Do not ask so much, and now have little time.

Cordingley: Who are you?

Hunter: When you speak, we must remember not to talk about from the difficulty of the operation of new projects, so that other people will think you were working on a kind of shirk.

Cordingley: how do you know my last speech?

Hunter: You have to stand in the perspective of the overall layout discuss new projects, all found net in the field of search engine is indeed an advantage, but only account for comparative advantage, not a monopoly of absolute advantage. If the fenbing out new projects, would be tantamount to building the foundation of instability when coupled with the low-rise buildings, so that search the entire network will be a great business risks. Operational risk, is most concerned about the issue of LI Bin, is also chairman of the board of each are most concerned about.

Cordingley memories and the "hunters" chats.

The mysterious "hunter" What seems to be aware that this is not normal. Can only be sure that the hunter is sitting near his own a person.

If it is an outsider, even the most well-informed IT information Xinhua, the new projects are impossible to understand so thoroughly.

"Hunter," Cordingley told from the perspective of the overall layout of new projects.

The last meeting, Cordingley has been talking about the difficulty of the operation of new projects. Indeed, LI Bin, such as this so that people think he is a shirk their work.

The same thing, if from a different angle to illustrate the results are often very different.

"Cordingley, we know that, if the operator of e-commerce project, you here a lot of pressure, brand issues, traffic problems, the problems related to the media, the website of the issue of cooperation, the establishment of SME credit system and so on are certainly you tired. But I hope you can to the overall situation of the company. "

Wang Zhan Shen of this word, let Cordingley back to the meeting site.

Then, Wang Zhan Shen may be "hunters" do?

"Operational risk" is mentioned hunters, and Wang Zhan Shen company also frequently mentioned words.

However, Wang Zhan Shen very concise style, while at work, often with a point of American-style humor, but he could not have come around a bend so much.

Cordingley believes that Wang Zhan Shen can find on their own, do not need qiaojianpan .

He then calculated, Wang Zhan Shen is "hunter" is unlikely.

Can even be said that Wang Zhan Shen is "Hunter" the possibility of zero.

Cordingley has been finished the glass of water.

Do not have to guess what "hunter", but also did not have time to guess what "hunters."

"We are in support of the new project, for me personally, I hope the company is certainly getting better and better operators."

Cordingley paused, and then went on to say: "First of all, the whole network before the search business is also a sense of the scope of e-commerce. Most of our revenue sources are small and medium enterprises, which is similar to the nature of e-commerce , but e-commerce services for the enterprise broader and deeper. do e-commerce is a very professional matter, human resources, technology is only a small problem, there is the issue of good faith certification system. These, at the last meeting I have already pointed out that the have. "

Hunter: You should pay attention to, even if all the people are opposed to your opinion, you should not try to convince everyone. Front stretch, would certainly be defeated.

Cordingley: Then how should I do?

Hunter: The worst scenario would be to persuade that person to convince.

Cordingley: Thank you.

"Wei-yan, our company's main revenue source for that?" Cordingley Wei Yan suddenly asked.

"SMEs ah advertising costs."

He in charge of marketing, the problem for him than the "one plus one equals two" is also simple.

"Well, why small and medium-sized advertising fees paid to us?" Asked Cordingley.

"Internet users in the search page, can be related to their ads appear."

Wei Xin feel a bit strange these issues because these issues can not even answer the company's interns.

The company's business model is very simple. For example, users were found in the online search for "short-sightedness", then the search results will appear in the ad business glasses.

"Well, you should be very clear about our sources of revenue to the final analysis, is given by users. Is not it?" Cordingley continue to ask Wei Yan.


"But we are in the Internet's influence is not large enough to monopolize the market?"

"We are the leader, but also not a monopoly." Wei Yan Cordingley seems to me that a lot more than these questions.

"Our lead is not obvious. Our market share is 36 percent, second only AK Chinese search engine more than 10 percentage points less than."

Cordingley attention suddenly shifted to LI Bin, and then said: "AK is the highest market value of Internet companies, the past, they do not pay enough attention to the Chinese market, but now more and more Internet users in China, they will certainly increase the input of the Chinese market . "


LI Bin Cordingley felt the smile.

LI Bin heard the AK a smile when the word.

He also has no reason not to smile, because AK is not only the global Internet giant, and AK Brown, founder of the start-up to the LI Bin ago to ask a lot of search engine technical knowledge.

That was decades ago.

In human history, the decades could not only small, small part of history.

However, the rapid development of the Internet industry, ten years long enough to change a lot.

Brown a decade ago only a poor student, had already been to the LI Bin senior Jinling ask is how the non-self-confidence.

But now, Brown is almost worth the world's richest man Bill Gates, the new wealth.

Of course, LI Bin is also proud of.

In the early stages of business, all of the competitors is the network found AK, Fortunately, they are not enough resources to invest in China, and found the whole network is focused on the Chinese market, so they made a stage victory.

"AK's market capitalization? Nearly 200 billion U.S. dollars! If they are determined to occupy the Chinese market, we are dangerous, but I believe that this day will soon be up, sit back and they have no reason such a big market." Cordingley volume increased the number of.

Cordingley paused, went on to say: "In addition, several national portal has its own search engine."

"They? Can be ignored."

"That was the past, they have not paid enough attention to the search engines. Now our high-speed growth, they will not see. You are in charge of marketing, should know that search engine is very profitable."

Wei Yan nodded.

"If they pay attention to our living space will become smaller. Because of their brand, traffic and other advantages." Cordingley said.

At that time, LI Bin-speak: "Analysis of right. They did not miss the Jinshan search engine, they have no reason to let go of the business to make money."

"No one will give up the business to make money."

Wang Zhan-shen, is interrupted Wang Zhan Shen.
Hunter: the key to the problem say there are proposed solutions.

Cordingley: how to solve?

Hunter: I can not, but I believe you will be able to resolve.

Cordingley: Who are you?

Hunter: You have a solution, it is necessary to speak out boldly. Successful or not, you can not decide. However, you can decide to let them know of your method.

In the heart Cordingley, there is a new idea. However, the idea that he did not feel emboldened.

This, perhaps is a ridiculous idea.

"Hunters" to encourage him and hope he can speak their mind.

Courage, is a wonderful thing.

Sometimes it does not exist, there is sometimes.

When there is a time when it may be heated.

Time when it does not exist, it will be very terrible, do not have the courage of the people, life will be meaningless.

Therefore, people alive, or a bit better some courage.

"Search engine is only a tool, users can find information, search End walk. Is not the case?"

Cordingley this, chairman look at the LI Bin.

"Search engine is definitely a tool. We do allow more people to use a search engine tool." LI Bin's response is clear.

"Our company's mission is to allow people to easily find information in Chinese, you should be very clear." This is Wei Yan speak.

"Yes, we do allow more people to use a search engine tool, but there is a very good tool characteristics, that is, when others the tools to make better time than we netizens will abandon us to. because the search engine tool is free, a free tool for people to abandon the cost of zero. "Cordingley paused, then said:" I have a new idea, you can consolidate our search site, Internet users to consolidate our foundation. "

Conference room, suddenly quiet.

Quiet down, on behalf of everyone to listen carefully to introduce new things Cordingley.

Cordingley while continuing to allow such an atmosphere, this is it, he deliberately.

Suddenly, the silence be broken.

The voice of silence was broken phone.

In the meeting, Bin Li asked everyone to turn off the phone, he was no exception.

Conference Room is the sound of ext.

Conference Room of the telephone extension, the general telephone access is prohibited.

Unless, there are special circumstances.

LI Bin connected to a telephone: "What happened?"

"Yes, I know. Now come."

Hang up calls, LI Bin for all of us said: "People's Daily has the mission to observe the company, we look to the reception."

"Is not to say that you better come tomorrow?"

The company's public relations by Cordingley, who remember very clearly the People's Daily is the observation mission from tomorrow afternoon, led by the deputy director of weeks.

A week ago, Deputy Director-week contact with Cordingley, he turned down for a long time.

Zhou, deputy director of think he is humble.

In fact, Cordingley is that companies For them, the study did not have much value.

"We may be afraid to make preparations in advance so that they can not see anything of value. The efficiency of our R & D, the well-known in the industry too."

LI Bin seemed a bit complacent, he added: "Just now, I have heard that there are people of the State Council and the Central Organization Department, accompanied by demonstration."

Search the entire network efficiency, network engineering team as an example, there will be 78 day technical improvement program.

Of course, this is mainly due to LI Bin attaches great importance to the technology, the company's annual revenues up 10 percent of them invested in technology research and development. He was a technical genius, then an entrepreneur.

"What we did not need to prepare, not study health." Wei-Yan said with a smile.

"Working at the scene, as long as it is time to work, is the same. If the leadership of the State Council and the Central Organization Department is really the work of our company's efficiency to be extended to civil servants, it was a very good thing." Wang Zhan Shen think always long-term.

"However, if they just copy the surface of our work at the scene, it is in trouble." Cordingley also smiled, in his view, these leaders are likely to find that the whole network at the scene and the United States, Federal Express, as a busy, high-speed operation.

In fact, the entire search network television were not the kind of dress like the cleanliness of the surface of a busy foreign employees.

Search the entire network of employees, does not seem busy. Not only busy, seems also very lazy.

"Oops! They come in advance. I'm not ready to report the performance of good work." Jiang Hao suddenly anxious.

"Got it! You spent six months engaged in the performance assessment by the standard, but also had to forget? If it is me, remember to dream." Wei Xin Jiang Hao did not forget to dig at you.

Performance appraisal program for the marketing of the "blow" to the largest branch of the South China is the 800 employees of a collective boycott of the new performance appraisal program. Wei Yan is tired this time burn, so he was also very annoying, including Jiang Hao.

However, Jiang Hao Cordingley actually think that a report on the performance of the work of the People's Daily is more meaningful to observe the mission. If the State Council and the Central Organization Department to marketing performance assessment of civil servants to implement, it is indeed a blessing to the people.

"Everybody be quick, a lot of leadership on the outside waiting for them." Wang Zhan Shen urge everyone to go out as soon as possible.

"15 o'clock bell, we continue to meet." LI Bin finish on the out of the conference room.

An hour later, the People's Daily observation mission to leave the company, Cordingley also feel that these leaders seem a little disappointed.

Indeed, they did not see the busy scene, they see a little bit lazy or even a company.

Cordingley suddenly remember, as if the phone has not been opened.

He opened the phone, ready to call his girlfriend Li Weng.

Music sounded.

His cell phone just machines, music on the sound for a while.

His mobile phone ringing is an old love songs, but this phone call is not B. Sy.

"丁兄, Hello, I am ah East China." Phone which is well-known IT news reporter Wang Huadong's voice.

"East China, hello."

"Morning, I received your e-mail PR Liu, saying that you are developing e-commerce platform, so your on a telephone interview, what are the relevant information but also to reveal some more ah brother." East China, said Wang.


Cordingley was surprised, but this large volume is amazing to stay in his heart.

Department of Public Relations in charge of his department, but the development of e-commerce platform of the matter is still under discussion, the Liu Wei will be in advance on the issue of how the news?

"East China, this thing, how convenient that is not. In this way, I am a bit busy, I'll call you back."

End of phone hanging Cordingley, was very angry.

Liu Wei called the office, criticizing him first, and then told him to be careful dissemination of information. This, I think it was immediately Cordingley do.

However, Cordingley believes that too much trouble to do so.

Into the Public Relations Cordingley.

Liu Wei, the company's public relations manager.

He is a computer browser information.

View Industry News.

This is his job duties, so he made it very hard to see.

He did not found that a person is approached him.

His shoulder was a bit heavy to shoot and was shot heavily Cordingley you.

Cordingley great effort, so Liu Wei should feel pain.

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一声惨叫, Liu Wei's screaming, he might suddenly feel the broken right shoulder.

"Son of a bitch! Who made you the news? E-commerce, and we also discussed in the meeting. Your dogs day! Everywhere hair news!"

Cordingley very angry, very serious consequences.

Wei Liu did not speak, he left the Public Relations.

Liu Wei graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School, Wharton School of obtaining an MBA from the after party to search the entire network.

LI Bin personally he is looking for talented people over.

Business School in the sector have the largest number of senior professor of the Wharton Business School has been the world's leading financial and management training business school, most graduates successfully move on Wall Street and the world's top companies.

Of course, there is another in his capacity as Liu Wei, and his father is the president of his alma mater, the University LI Bin.

Moreover, Bin Li said to study abroad during the time when the old heads gave him much support.

Liu Wei has been subject to less Cordingley.

May be held only傲物, perhaps he believes he has the background.

In his eyes, perhaps as Cordingley full flavor of this grass-roots, and not enough of his leadership.

Cordingley was not impulsive.

Assault, that he considered the action.

Against "elites", it is necessary to use "non-elitist" approach.

This time, Liu Wei guilty of such a big mistake, therefore, is baikaishui played.

Cordingley back to his office.

When he opened the door when a very strange feeling.

A person has been waiting for him here.

"Hurry up, we go to Guangzhou!"

Waiting for him, is Wei-yan, who is also speaking Xin Wei.

"Guangzhou to do? Would also like to meet this afternoon." Cordingley feeling a bit baffling.

"South China branch of a strike by its employees! LI Bin so that you and I, as well as Jiang Hao to deal with this matter together."
"Strike? So serious! Worse, there must be exposed in this website has been done."

Suddenly Cordingley, Public Relations is in charge of the work of their own.

He also knew that he had just come out PR. Moreover, he also played a public relations manager Liu Wei.

"Exposure is trivial, is the major event affecting the normal work. What are you doing?" Said Wei Xin.

"I do not look at the online news this matter." Cordingley said, open the computer.

"No time to read, as soon as possible to the airport."

"Tickets are not set?" Cordingley very carefully.

"This thing, Jiang Hao to do this son of a bitch, do not you worry about."

Cordingley Wei Yan was almost dragged out of the office.

"You must let me give you a phone call."

"Who called?"

"I now go to Guangzhou, this certainly can not go home. If I can not go home, is not it, some people fear?"

"It makes sense, you hurry up and play. I also make a phone call, because I also huibulai."

Normally, it should be Wei Yan and Jiang Hao to Guangzhou to deal with this matter, Cordingley headquarters should remain in the coordination and media relations.

However, Cordingley expression see Wei Yan, LI Bin immediately understood the care and thought. If not allow him to co-ordinate, Wei Yan and Jiang Hao will be able to play together in Guangzhou.

LI Bin, always thoughtful consideration.

A Mercedes car with three business executives, heading for the airport.

Silent, very quiet car.

Wei Yan and Jiang Hao ignored each other, Cordingley who speak do not know.

And who speak, would be tantamount to offend another person.

小赵drivers is very smart, he released the first music, was a French song, "to leave the train."

Cordingley This is a like to listen to the songs.

"Turn off the switch off. 1 do not listen, bored go again." Jiang Hao a speaker.

小赵had to turn off the music.

Cordingley to pick up the phone, he used the Internet Tianyi China Telecom mobile phones, the Internet is convenient.

Sure enough, the site in southern China have been reported in South China branch staff to strike this matter, the major sites in Beijing have also begun to reprint.

Companies because of dissatisfaction with pay and performance system for the adjustment, in consultation with the company failed after the seizure of dozens of network-wide staff of the South China Branch of collective work stoppage today, came to the door of Guangzhou Labor Bureau of collective protest. Employees of these emotions that they were in disguise get the company to adjust the pay system, "in violation of labor law."

Cordingley opened using a mobile phone, "Tianyi Live", "Tianyi Live" is China Telecom and Microsoft to develop the mobile instant messaging tool MSN chat software in the use of mobile phones.

He is now looking for the Department of Public Relations Media Commissioner HE Qin, but when he had time to open Live, there is a message out of shells.

Or the mysterious "hunters."

"In Guangzhou should pay attention and listen to as many at least."

Cordingley snigger in his heart, is it not a way of doing things its own right? "Hunter", then a bit superfluous.

Live on the show, "Hunter" is no longer online.

HE Qin online.

Qin He is a very pretty girl. Therefore, cooperation in the media is doing very good, which editors and reporters do not want to deal with and the beauty.

Cordingley and Qin He opened the chat window, write a few lines.

He is ready to click "Send."

"Do not play, and faster to get off the plane running out of time."

Wei Yan phone was suddenly robbed of the past.
Guangzhou Baiyun Airport.

Baiyun airport.

Search the entire branch network in South China Zhang drivers waiting for the headquarters of the three executives.

Branch in South China Xie Ping, general manager was to review claims of employees trapped in the office. Therefore, he had to pick up the remote control three executives Zhang.

Three individuals, there were three people in the sight of Zhang.

Like is he wants to take the three executives, but he can not be sure.

In his view, the three executives should be zoudehenjin and discuss things together. But before these three individuals, are separated by more than one meter distance, but do not get in a word.

Finally, he identified the Wei Yan, Wei Yan regular inspection division to southern China, it is relatively familiar with.

"Guardian of total, hello!"

Zhang found that had been robbed in front of him and the Guardian of the total playing hello.

Not a person, a group of people.

Cordingley see more than 10 individuals have been holding a camera, microphone pass at the three of them.

Their airport early on met reporters in Guangzhou.

"Guardian of total, Hello! I am a" southern Metropolis, "the press, may I ask you today is from Guangzhou to deal with staff to strike it? You how to handle this matter?"

"Guardian of total, Hello! I am a" work week "of journalists, to reflect your company has employees in violation of the" Labor Contract Law ", I would like to ask you what is the point of view?"

"Guardian of total, Hello -"

Wei Yan a bit impatient, he told reporters: "Ladies and gentlemen, today our company is responsible for overall human resources Jiang also came to Guangzhou, these questions will be answered he."

With the microphone reporters eyes the direction of Wei Yan, Jiang Hao all transferred to the side.

"Ladies and gentlemen, these issues do. Our company is responsible for external communication is also the presence of the small total, in accordance with the provisions of the company is determined by his acceptance of an interview with reporters. Our company is a large listed company, an interview process is strictly defined."

Jiang Hao piqiuti cleverly put to the side Cordingley.

Microphone, all at the Cordingley.

Cordingley was snigger, originally he only came to Guangzhou as a supporting role, and now has become the protagonist.

"Your friends in the media circle, our company is on this very seriously. Now, we do not have to branch in South China, do not yet know the actual situation, so I can only say a few."

Journalists have begun to take pictures.

"The reporter said that work in Guangzhou, I understand it all too well today. If we have everyone's such a dedicated staff, we do not have what the performance appraisal program."

Cordingley skillfully to these reporters wearing a top flattery, laughter has been the crowd.

"This is the case, I make an analogy, if your newspaper, there is a colleague, refused to go out an interview with the work half-heartedly. And so the work you are able to get the most for the first time quality News. If you take two people the same wage, so that fair? "

No one answered, but everyone is laughing.

"Therefore, performance appraisal is necessary. However, we also have done a bad place, and staff may have not done enough to communicate. We come to stand in the position of the employees in dealing with performance appraisal program. We are and employees to communicate, not to deal with anything. "

"However, staff now have to petition the Labor Board, this matter, how you handle it?" "Nanguo Dushi Bao" also connected to the press, then.

"Just now, I say, and now we do not have to figure out things. And so on after us and staff communication, welcome you to an interview with the South China Branch. This is my business card, we can at any time and I communicate."

Cordingley finished, come up with a box of business cards from the bag and distributed to everyone.

"D overall, you are all here to contact Beijing, ah, there is no cell phone to stay."

"As you can add my MSN, I can communicate with you one-on-one."

"Are you on the outside, MSN is also convenient to use it?"

"I Tianyi Internet using mobile phones, so very convenient on MSN. But, I downloaded the phone Sogou input method, typing fast. We also left my business card the past few days I will invite you to Company an interview. "

Reporters have been gradually dispersed.

"Three-master is worthy of a three-master." Wei Yan praise a bit old school.

"The only things."

Cordingley Wei Yan looked at, to see the look Jiang Hao, and then said: "The event is also behind it."




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