
Iron wok cooking can help people to do?

All along, some people are asking the following questions: heard that wok cooking can be iron? Is that true? I have anemia, is not necessary to use wok cooking it? I do not wok at home and change into a non-stick or stainless steel pot, is not it would be easier to anemia?

    First of all need to be sure that the wok cooking dishes which indeed can improve the iron content, but this source, usually called metal pollution caused by cooking appliances. Its principle is very simple, pot wall of Guaceng iron shovel under the traces of debris fall to come into contact with acidic food substances, like the school learned of the principles of chemistry, as will become iron ions, mixed into food products to increase the iron content of food. Abroad years ago, tests showed that using iron pan for scrambled eggs, the scrambled eggs in the iron content could increase twice as much.

    Iron pot of "iron" effect depends on how much iron there is access to food. Naturally, food and iron pots longer contact area the greater the higher the acidity of food into the more iron in food. So, fried vegetables, stew vegetables and the role of the role of larger than ף ¬, if it is acidic vegetables like tomato, the effect may be greater. On the other hand, when cooking oil is also put in a relationship, because grease can be isolated in food contact between the acid and iron pots, oil and put the more, then the less opportunity for iron dissolution.

    In this sense, in the past period of poverty, people cooking, baked buns, the main use of iron pots, and cooking oil discharge is very small, doing dishes based on vegetables again, objectively beneficial to the body of the iron pot dissolution. Although this iron non-heme iron absorption rate was not high, estimated that only 3% or less, but because of the daily intake for iron deficiency in people, to help prevent anemia is still an important source of iron. The so-called absorption of inorganic iron is easier to say is not accurate, because the most easily absorb the heme iron, rather than inorganic iron.

    It was also asked whether it would be harmful rusty iron pan? Cause iron poisoning do? Indeed, the iron red rust will play a role in the acid in food, so that the content of iron in food have increased significantly. However, as long as the red rust brush to go, even to leave a little trace of brush is not clean, use it to stir-fries, and will not bring serious consequences. Just remember to do this wok cooking sour fruit enough.

    Normal human can automatically adjust iron absorption rate, if the amount of food too much, the body will reduce absorption, and thus to avoid poisoning, not to mention that of inorganic iron absorption rate is not high already. Therefore, not heard since the wok cooking with iron poisoning caused by things. In contrast, one to eat half a catty animal liver, get a lot more iron than cooking with the wok.

    Many chefs believe that, regardless of what pot cooking can not compare them with wok fried delicious. To a large extent, this is related to the role of the catalytic oxidation of iron. Because of cooking in some of the flavor substance is in the cooking at high temperature oxidation reaction occurs to form, the iron would promote oxidation, while the role of difference of some stainless steel, ceramic pots, and casserole do not have this effect.

    However, it was precisely because of this, in theory, the use of wok cooking will increase the loss of antioxidants. Iron would work with polyphenols in food react to produce darker complex. Therefore, the fruit is not appropriate to use iron pots for cooking, the variety of colored beans such as red bean, mung bean, etc. are not suitable for wok cooking.

    In short, wok cooking advantages and disadvantages. If the home using a non-iron cooking equipment, do not have to feel sorry. Because, if it is not vegetarian, meat can be obtained from the heme iron, iron deficiency less likely. If it is vegetarian, as long as the meal to add a little vitamin C, can promote the absorption of iron in food. If this is because of menorrhagia, bleeding hemorrhoids, or other internal bleeding anemia phenomena do, more rivalry did not need to wok, and hastened to cure itself, anemia will naturally improve.




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