
How many female sex partners be considered appropriate?

The number of your sexual partner?

With regard to the number of sexual partners, the question, the famous, Ms. Hung was for "a normal woman can be a lifetime in the end, and the number of men who have relations?" Such a question had given part of her opinions, she said:

Zero = vernacular of the

1 = loss

2-3 = Conventional

3-5 = Normal

5-10 = enough of this

10-15 = a little bit busy

15-20 = a little bit chaotic

20-30 = a little bit tired

30-50 = too open

= Completely in vain for more than 50

As can be seen from the Hung answer, she thought that a woman, if zero or one sexual partner, have counted loss, that is, those virgins, as well as a lifetime only to find a man's woman is loss, and two or three is a traditional, 3-5 be considered normal. Hung insufficient training point of view, of course, because, according to her evaluation criteria, then I am afraid that many Chinese women have vernacular of.

However, while Hung's point of view is very open, but she also learned to grasp and open the "degree" - did too much. For example, Hung believes that a female character if there are 10-15 partners, had a very busy time, by 15-20, they tired, but, more than 50 is entirely in vain, Hung is no longer believed.

But in fact, it was also more than 50 more than, for example, Muzi Mei, she was back in 2003 had more than 50 or more sexual partners, and Hung how it can be said to others in vain?

See this, you may be in the heart of their own number, to see how many sexual partners you have. You belong to vernacular or loss? Is the traditional or normal? Are busy, tired, or too open? Even better is too exaggerated to show off to people?

Of course, no matter how many sexual partners you have, then only one person belongs to you is your secret. You can never tell others, but they still have a few hearts.

Worldwide the number of female sex partners

Now, let's take a look at the worldwide number of female sexual partners. According to "Durex global sex life Health Survey" (2007) survey, in 2007, China women's average of 2.3 sexual partners, well below the global average of 7.3 (Hong Kong is 4.1), with the average number of New Zealand women is the highest Mo Fabi (20.4).

Another survey in 2007 revealed that more than half of single women in Hong Kong said the two sexual partners was normal. The 502 respondents aged between 18 to 40-year-old single women in Hong Kong, 54% of women believe that there are two or more lifetime sexual partners is normal, 6% even think that a sexual partner, "a few more can be."

In addition, in October 2007, according to a survey, British women love sex more than men.

British men's magazine "FHM" sex in the last year, a survey found that British women have sex every day the number of men more than twice as ladies of the sexual partners are also more than 5% of women have more than 100 sexual partners. The magazine visited the 50000 men and women aged 16-54 found that female respondents were an average of 15 lovers, male respondents were an average of 13, the most astonishing is that 5% of female respondents said they had have more than 100 sexual partners. The survey also revealed that every day the number of one-time fantasy ladies more than men doubled and the number of non-stop sexual fantasies of men and women is 14%.

An increase in the number of sexual partners of women with the three main factors, one network, the second is the travel, third bar. On the one hand an increase in female sexual partners that enhance women's freedom and independence, on the other hand, women increasingly open attitude towards sex, but also cause for concern. However, the above data fully demonstrated that China remains the world's women, women in the most subtle one, which made Chinese women who are often demonized the man surprised bar.

In the end how much is appropriate?

So their lives, women in the end there are several sexual partners is better?

This is basically a question of opinion, but I still feel that there is one point to show, that is, I think that women have three to five sexual partners is normal.

First of all, there is no sexual partner is bad, too many sexual partners too absurd, then the remaining question is, If a person is only having sex with one person, that person is their favorite, will have no regrets it?

If you were a man, I think perhaps inevitable, but women should not have this problem, especially for people like that is very loving, very spiritual hit it, "the executive sub-hands, and sub-long marriage," the kind, even if only a woman's life will feel happy.

There is also, those ladies are very interested in sex and their sexual partners might be a little more.

Typically, a woman's life there are three or four is enough, and less would be unrealistic, because many women are now almost cohabitation with her boyfriend, and this cohabitation of people who do not get married on the last with you, then several rounds of love down, a Women also had 23 sexual partners of.

More female sexual partners, but also something to choose, compare, as character selection, we have to choose a man's sexuality, and desire that if he had too much, do you not stand, you can choose to break up, if he is sexually incompetent, you do not want to fall into their own tragedy, it may go run away.

In short, only experienced a sexual partner, only do it to try, and to find harmony with their nature, and this is also a responsibility for their behavior.

Sexual partners in the end a woman's life is how much is appropriate? The answer is, whether one or three, five, ten, feel that is really the right fit.




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2009-07-28 14:43:54 来源: 网易历史    俄罗斯的人民宁愿忍受改革的阵痛,也坚持政治改革,用一次又一次的全民公决和总统选举,表明人民宁愿抛弃什么,需要什么。俄罗斯联邦的领导人深知,加强对公权力的操作和政府官员们的收入和财产的透明度,是反腐倡廉的必要的重要措施,也是反腐败的决心的表现。   本文摘自《勇破坚冰的《未定稿》及其他》 李凌/编著 中国社会科学出版社   俄罗斯联邦改革的阵痛和进步1991年底,苏联解体,俄罗斯联邦是苏联的法定继承国。俄罗斯联邦在上世纪九十年代的政治经济改革中,出现了大规模经济下滑。据官方统计,1996年的国内生产总值(GDP)比1991年下降约50%。   一   但实际产量是否下降了这么多?影响人民生活水平大幅度下降的主要原因是什么?这些需要具体的分析。   1. 在苏联时期,GDP中,包括大量的军工厂的产品、未完成的建设项目和计划经济下的劣质产品(有人估计这些共约占当时GDP的50%-70%)。因此,苏联当时GDP数字虽然很高,但居民生活消费品却很少,商店货架经常空空如也。当时的苏联政府中了美国的诡计,和美国大搞军备竞赛,消耗了大量国家资源。冷战结束后,大部分军工企业被迫停产改造,连带引起一部分重工业、化工业、电子工业也停顿或减产,引起许多工人失业。军工产品特别昂贵,-辆现代化的坦克的产值相当于几十辆汽车,更不要说飞机、导弹和核武器了。这些产业一停产或减产,必然出现整体GDP数字大幅度下降。   2.苏联时代实行的是公有制和计划经济,地方官员和公有制企业的经理们,为了表现自己的政绩得到奖励和提拔,往往夸大产量,所报的数字有很大的水分。实行私有制后,私营企业主为了减少或偷漏税负,所报产量往往少于实际。   3.苏联解体后,地下经济迅速发展,不算入官方公布的GDP数字之内,但对居民的生活有很大的影响。有人估计,地下经济约为当时官方公布的GDP一半以上,实际如何,无法统计。   但必须承认,在经济改革中,主要由于俄罗斯联邦政府的某些人接受了西方学者的馊主意,1992年起实行所谓"休克疗法",物价一下子完全放开,在当时商品严重短缺的情况下,引起物价数十倍地迅速飙升,这才是人民生活水平大幅度下降的主要原因,而不是由于某些人所喋喋不休地宣传的政治改革。   二