
"Green dam" questioned why the experience

【 "Financial Network" Beijing / reporter】xudongsheng of the Ministry of Industry and Information has issued "pre-installed on the computer Internet filtering software green notice" that, in order to consolidate the regulation of the Internet vulgar results of the special action of the wind to protect the healthy growth of minors , production and marketing in China must be pre-installed computers "green dam - young escort" software.
 This provided free by the government the green Internet filtering software can be through technical means for Internet users to filter out bad information, control time spent online, manage features such as computer games, you can view the online records to facilitate access to the Internet parents about their children and to prevent adverse impact.
 However, many questioned the voice behind this initiative are worried that may contain the Internet to strengthen control of the Government to restrict the flow of information considerations.
 Information shows that the letter of the Ministry of Public Works designated "green dam - the flowering season in defense of" software, is the personal computer with a database linked to banned site to prevent access to them to enter the "blacklist" of the Web site. Moreover, this was shielding the "blacklist" can be continuously updated, and users will be very difficult to know exactly what had been prevented.
 Although this software claims to be shut down, you can uninstall, but the users to choose how much space there is no precise statement.
 More doubts about that, how to determine the "harmful information" database of prohibited sites? Determine whether or not "blacklist" of a transparent mechanism, as well as open channels for error correction and relief? How to prevent this abuse of power as a "back door"? Up to now, the official has not yet been given to answer these queries.
 Filtering of "illegal information" should respect the right of citizens to choose
 Information dissemination of Internet technology to bring about a revolutionary change, for example, the network's "no center" and it is open to all, with unlimited sources of information, each person can be both users of information may also be provided by persons . Moreover, the network also has the interactive, the user can accept their own information to choose and control.
 These characteristics of the past broke through the dissemination of all forms of information space of the diversification and expansion of freedom of expression provided a great convenience. However, it is undeniable that this channel has also led to a "resource that pays top academics", pornography, violence, the spread of undesirable and harmful information has also brought a variety of social problems, including the first harmful to minors.
 Therefore, not only in China to carry out such rectification campaign in the world are trying to monitor. However, in view of freedom of expression and information transparency, such as the value of social justice for the extreme importance of the regulation on the Internet is also the need to maintain extreme caution, to find reasonable and effective regulation of the limits and methods, not "throwing the bath water when the child has thrown out" .
 This is also a concern, "Green Dam - the flowering season in defense of" the crucial software applications. In fact, the network allows interactive users to receive information with what kind of choice and control over their own space, but also to prevent undesirable harmful information provided against their own space.
 Under normal circumstances, In addition to being the authority, due process of law expressly prohibited the development of the "illegal" information, the Government can not "replace" instead of adult citizens to identify what is harmful or harmless information; even if not for the protection of The purpose of the adults, so that parents play a role in their own, but also far more practical and effective government.
 Government, such as online pornography, including the supervision of harmful information, it should be a total distinction between domain and private domain. In the former, of Internet cafes, public places (schools, libraries, etc.), office space, such as the Internet to strengthen the normative and control of computers to combat illegal website, norms "edge ball" phenomenon; in the latter, as far as possible, and advocated the adoption of the proposed methods, such as flexible the regulation of home computers by the parents (parents) is responsible for, you can recommend techniques such as filtering software products and programs, rather than the development of a mandatory pre-installed software.
 In fact, the market can choose to have a lot of green Internet filtering software, including Microsoft's IE browser is also preloaded content classification review process (RSACI), parents can choose what software can also minor children self-control restrictions on the scope of access to information.
 In short, the Government through a variety of mechanisms can be advocated and urged parents to take responsibility, rather than become the omnipotent "patriarch."
 Experience in the United States "Stones from other hills"
 Similar problems in the United States the case of Reno v. ACLU, for reference.
 In 1996, as the "Telecommunications Act of 1996" as part of the CDA (Communication Decency Act) Act ( "the spread of purification Act") provides the transmission of information deliberately to minors under the age of 18, or the dissemination of indecent remarks "inappropriate" information (indecent material ) constitute a crime.
 But the bill hit the American Civil Liberties Union (American Civil Liberty Union, referred to as ACLU) accused of unconstitutional. ACLU believes that indecent speech from First Amendment protection, but "inappropriate" speech is protected.
 In 1997, the United States Supreme Court of Final Appeal ruling that the CDA unconstitutional bill. , The United States have been ruling the court CIPA ( "Child Online Protection Act"), COPA ( "Online Child Protection Act") and other relevant legal restrictions on Internet speech unconstitutional.
 U.S. court decisions show a tendency to judge its value, it is improper to object to legal restrictions on freedom of speech, but by no means advocating a laissez-faire "inappropriate" dissemination of information, for example, by "filtering technology" (non-mandatory), ways to empower parents to protect minors and Internet users.
 Its core idea is to avoid the "mandatory" means, as far as possible through "the option" proposal to control harmful information network in order to prevent the abuse of authority.




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2009-07-28 14:43:54 来源: 网易历史    俄罗斯的人民宁愿忍受改革的阵痛,也坚持政治改革,用一次又一次的全民公决和总统选举,表明人民宁愿抛弃什么,需要什么。俄罗斯联邦的领导人深知,加强对公权力的操作和政府官员们的收入和财产的透明度,是反腐倡廉的必要的重要措施,也是反腐败的决心的表现。   本文摘自《勇破坚冰的《未定稿》及其他》 李凌/编著 中国社会科学出版社   俄罗斯联邦改革的阵痛和进步1991年底,苏联解体,俄罗斯联邦是苏联的法定继承国。俄罗斯联邦在上世纪九十年代的政治经济改革中,出现了大规模经济下滑。据官方统计,1996年的国内生产总值(GDP)比1991年下降约50%。   一   但实际产量是否下降了这么多?影响人民生活水平大幅度下降的主要原因是什么?这些需要具体的分析。   1. 在苏联时期,GDP中,包括大量的军工厂的产品、未完成的建设项目和计划经济下的劣质产品(有人估计这些共约占当时GDP的50%-70%)。因此,苏联当时GDP数字虽然很高,但居民生活消费品却很少,商店货架经常空空如也。当时的苏联政府中了美国的诡计,和美国大搞军备竞赛,消耗了大量国家资源。冷战结束后,大部分军工企业被迫停产改造,连带引起一部分重工业、化工业、电子工业也停顿或减产,引起许多工人失业。军工产品特别昂贵,-辆现代化的坦克的产值相当于几十辆汽车,更不要说飞机、导弹和核武器了。这些产业一停产或减产,必然出现整体GDP数字大幅度下降。   2.苏联时代实行的是公有制和计划经济,地方官员和公有制企业的经理们,为了表现自己的政绩得到奖励和提拔,往往夸大产量,所报的数字有很大的水分。实行私有制后,私营企业主为了减少或偷漏税负,所报产量往往少于实际。   3.苏联解体后,地下经济迅速发展,不算入官方公布的GDP数字之内,但对居民的生活有很大的影响。有人估计,地下经济约为当时官方公布的GDP一半以上,实际如何,无法统计。   但必须承认,在经济改革中,主要由于俄罗斯联邦政府的某些人接受了西方学者的馊主意,1992年起实行所谓"休克疗法",物价一下子完全放开,在当时商品严重短缺的情况下,引起物价数十倍地迅速飙升,这才是人民生活水平大幅度下降的主要原因,而不是由于某些人所喋喋不休地宣传的政治改革。   二