
Press conference, Premier Wen Jiabao in 2009 Record of Letter

[Li] Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. We are pleased to invite to Premier Wen Jiabao met with Chinese and foreign reporters and answered questions. Now call upon his speech, Premier Wen Jiabao.

[Wen Jiabao] journalist friends, good morning. This year's two sessions are to cope with the international financial crisis at the crucial time. People's Congress passed the government work report, also approved the government to address the financial crisis package.

[Wen Jiabao] I felt very calm. I remember last year September 24, said in New York on my word, is "confidence in the currency than gold and more important." At that time, the world was still confused, we have prospects for the development of the financial crisis is also not clear look.

[Wen Jiabao] Now, less than half a year over time, we have put forward a package of response plans. Achieve this plan, I still think that, first and foremost thing is to strengthen confidence. Only confidence can we have courage and strength, only the courage and strength in order to overcome the difficulties. I hope that we will be able to open this reporter into a boost of confidence and dissemination of confidence, I think this should be every journalist's conscience and duty, but also people's expectations.

[Wen Jiabao] Murdoch will do this year, the spring of next year, Spring times people. I am looking forward next year, China and the world will change for the better. Thank you everyone.

[China Daily reporter] I would like to ask the Prime Minister, in order to cope with the international financial crisis, the Government has launched a 4 trillion economic stimulus plan. However, we note that your report did not, as we expect, as the introduction of some new stimulus plan, does this mean that this round of measures have been working well, the future will be the introduction of new economic stimulus package吗? In addition, the 4 trillion from 1.18 trillion, only the central government investment, how to ensure that the remaining sources of funding? This number 4000000000000 inside are the original plans to invest, and how many are new investments?

[Wen Jiabao] your question is very important. Is a rumor and misunderstanding, resulting in the world stock market volatility.

[Wen Jiabao] In fact, people do not read Chinese have taken the whole of the package, I need to take this opportunity to give a brief introduction to the U.S. about.

[Wen Jiabao] After six months of hard work, we formed a package plan includes four elements, that is, large-scale government investment in large-scale industrial restructuring and revitalization, the science and technology efforts to support and significantly enhance the level of social security. The four are interrelated and indivisible whole, it reflects our plans to combine the proximity and both temporary and permanent cures.

[Wen Jiabao] Second, the large-scale government investment is the most direct, most powerful, the most effective measures. It contains the government 1180000000000 direct investment, which refers to the central government. Also includes the implementation of the project through investment, social investment and to attract private investment, including bank credit. I can unequivocally tell you that this is completely 1180000000000 new.

[Wen Jiabao] This year, the U.S. budget 595 billion have already been implemented.

[Wen Jiabao] Third, our government invested 1.18 trillion mainly used for livelihood projects, technological innovation, ecological and environmental protection, and major infrastructure construction, a number of others will not be 4 trillion in the past two years the program.

[Wen Jiabao] such as the actual tax and fee reduction will be our more than 500 billion to 600 billion; enhance our enterprise standard pension of retired workers; 12 million teachers on the implementation of performance pay, raise their wage levels; increase the income of peasants, the expansion of subsidies the scope of subsidies to improve standards; we will use 850 billion within three years to implement the medical and health system. All of these funds were not at 4000000000000.

[Wen Jiabao] Fourth, we added four trillion investment in two years, some projects are really the original "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" which projects such as roads and railways and other infrastructure. These projects are after full argument, there is are ready, and we want to accelerate the speed of advance. Otherwise, how can we in such a short period of time, to determine the infrastructure of so many building?

[Wen Jiabao] Some of these projects are the new arrangements, such as the protection of housing construction projects, we plan to solve the three-year 7.5 million people in the housing problem, 2.4 million transformation of squatter settlements, which are the new arrangements. All of these projects are demonstrated, and will be fully open, the entire process to be supervised.

[Wen Jiabao] Fifth, the response to the financial crisis, we have to do a long-term, difficult to prepare, we have earmarked the policy space. In other words, we have prepared a response to more difficult programs, and sufficient reserves "ammunition", will always be able to put forward new policies to stimulate our economy.谢谢.

[The United States "Wall Street Journal" reporter] Premier Hello, I have two questions to ask a question, China has now become America's largest creditor, how do you evaluate the U.S. government to cope with the international economic crisis measures taken? Some people think that America's huge debt would cause the depreciation of the dollar, do you worry about the Chinese in the United States invest? If we worry, then spread the investment risks in the Chinese strategy of what is it? Second, you can not guarantee that China will not allow the renminbi was devalued, at least in the short term it will not be devalued? China will provide financial support to the International Monetary Fund?

[Wen Jiabao] you speak very good English, and you mentioned a series on the three questions.

[Wen Jiabao] The United States is indeed a Chinese biggest creditor, the United States is the world's largest economies, the United States is very concerned about our economic development. Obama President of the new government adopted a series of measures to address the financial crisis, we have the effect of these measures to be looking forward to.

[Wen Jiabao] We put an enormous amount of money loaned to the United States, of course, concerned about the safety of our assets. Frankly speaking, I did a bit worried. Therefore I would like to request again that the adoption of the United States you maintain credit, to keep its promise to guarantee the safety of Chinese assets.

[Wen Jiabao] As we all know, after years of reform and construction, we have accumulated a huge amount of foreign exchange, this shows that China's economic strength. Our foreign exchange operation first principle is to guard against risks, we always adhere to the Exchange "safety, liquidity and a hedge" principle, and the implementation of the diversification strategy.

[Wen Jiabao] foreign exchange reserves at this issue, we first are the interests of safeguarding the country. At the same time, we have to consider the overall international financial stability. Since these two




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