
The future of cloud computing: the enterprise market VS. Individual consumer market

Cloud computing seems to be more discussion of its future is also more controversial.

Supporters argue that cloud computing at scale and cost-effective to have the advantage, and can significantly reduce the user at the cost of terminal equipment on. The opposition said that cloud computing can not provide the local devices and applications can provide the level of user experience. Both sides have their own examples, such as Amazon's EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) Cloud computing services are the fastest growing of its business; another instance, the experience much cloud applications lags far behind the local client.

Cloud Computing's future in the end how? We may wish to discuss another dimension of cloud computing to see if the market is how to accept and reflect.

IBM founder Thomas Watson's early years are engaged in sales tabulation machines, punch card machines and other equipment that serve the enterprise market. When IBM created the first large-scale computer (not personal computer) when compared with the tabulation machine at the time of calculation capacity, Thomas Watson said: "all over the world need this kind of equipment, a total of no more than 5 Units."

The same story happened again. Apple co-founder Steve Watts and Steve Jobs at Apple Computer before the formal establishment, was Hewlett-Packard employees. When they (mainly the Watts) to design the first personal computer, the Watts and Hewlett-Packard also did not lift the company's employment relationship. Theoretically, Hewlett-Packard Company is entitled to Watts at the product patents during his tenure. Jobs is very much annoyed, asked Woods to be a go with Hewlett Packard to settle.

When Woods put himself before the invention of personal computers at Hewlett-Packard product manager before, the manager is puzzled: "personal computer ... ...? Individuals need a computer? Used to doing?" The manager felt that Watts's The invention does not have any meaning. Therefore, Watts with personal computers back then, and have ownership of its patents, the company has become the apple of the mountains for.

From which we seem to be able to found a revolutionary technology, concepts, or applications, always down to the civilian from the business, or from the enterprise market to the individual consumer market trends in the transition. Accompanied this transition is that the dramatic fall in costs, increase user experience. In other words, the individual consumer market for the application of the cost and experience requirements are more stringent, so always slow One shot enterprises.

Today, cloud computing, is possible at such a location. "New York Times" This has just published a preacher Salesforce: Leasing cloud computing, are summarized as follows:

Ten years ago, Mike Benioff (Marc Benioff) is a dreamer, he saw the commercial software as network services to sell the huge potential, he left Oracle.

Today, as Salesforce.com's CEO, Mike Benioff is the revival of a business model: By leasing "cloud computing" services, rather than sales of hardware equipment and software to make money.

This model allows Salesforce paid off, the company is located in San Francisco recently to celebrate the company's tenth anniversary, and also the first time exceeded the annual income of one billion U.S. dollars mark. Last month, Salesforce announced the 2008 performance report for the fourth quarter, sales revenue increased 34% to 290 million U.S. dollars, net income of 14 million U.S. dollars, are the same period last year (7.4 million U.S. dollars) around twice. Sales revenue and profits have exceeded analyst expectations.

Mike Benioff describes himself as a "cloud computing Billy Graham (Billy Graham)", the latter are the most famous of contemporary American evangelical Christian preacher. Last week, he also started a revival of the journey, at the hotels along the way, he was facing hundreds of people to do a sermon Speech, Salesforce to promote the technology, as well as cost-saving advantages.

At the same time, another small Salesforce rival NetSuite also announced a fourth quarter sales growth of 31 percent, to 4,100,000 U.S. dollars.

However, Salesforce and NetSuite are facing a huge threat, more heavyweight players are gradually add. Oracle and Microsoft have joined the game rental software, Amazon and Sun started to provide data center access services, according to the number of pay.

That is what we are able to see, cloud computing at the commercial market practicable mode of operation and profit - sales and leasing cloud computing and services. So, whether it will be down to individuals from the commercial market route to expand the consumer market?

Trend up, perhaps this is the case. However, cloud computing, at the individual consumer market than the situation faced by many complex enterprise market. For instance, "The New York Times," the article did not mention Cloud Computing's "vanguard" Google.

In the enterprise market, on the one hand, the object of cloud computing services and goals are very specific, on the other hand, profit model is simple and sophisticated, direct purchase or lease payment. However, at the individual consumer market, which are both enormous challenges.

At the user experience, the current cloud computing with the local client software have a larger gap. Application of the opening speed, data retention and security, and network transmission rates are enacted to restrict individual users to use the main reason for cloud computing.

At present on the Internet, users may have to use online document editing software, but on conventional computer, the user is more accustomed to using the local client software. It can be said that in the absence of functional differentiation under the premise of cloud application is basically difficult to rely on the performance and speed to replace the local application.

Many users enjoy Google Docs because it is common authoring features, network storage and easy picture editing applications the advantages of cloud is that it's network-sharing feature. Perhaps, cloud computing at the individual consumer market should first do not attempt to substitute for local applications, but to provide local applications do not differentiate the value.

Another challenge is greater, cloud computing at the individual consumer market, the profitability model. Personal characteristics of the consumer market is that the dispersion. If there are no proven business model, the profits of these small points together The biggest advantage of cloud computing - Cloud computing is at the enterprise market Zhigong




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2009-07-28 14:43:54 来源: 网易历史    俄罗斯的人民宁愿忍受改革的阵痛,也坚持政治改革,用一次又一次的全民公决和总统选举,表明人民宁愿抛弃什么,需要什么。俄罗斯联邦的领导人深知,加强对公权力的操作和政府官员们的收入和财产的透明度,是反腐倡廉的必要的重要措施,也是反腐败的决心的表现。   本文摘自《勇破坚冰的《未定稿》及其他》 李凌/编著 中国社会科学出版社   俄罗斯联邦改革的阵痛和进步1991年底,苏联解体,俄罗斯联邦是苏联的法定继承国。俄罗斯联邦在上世纪九十年代的政治经济改革中,出现了大规模经济下滑。据官方统计,1996年的国内生产总值(GDP)比1991年下降约50%。   一   但实际产量是否下降了这么多?影响人民生活水平大幅度下降的主要原因是什么?这些需要具体的分析。   1. 在苏联时期,GDP中,包括大量的军工厂的产品、未完成的建设项目和计划经济下的劣质产品(有人估计这些共约占当时GDP的50%-70%)。因此,苏联当时GDP数字虽然很高,但居民生活消费品却很少,商店货架经常空空如也。当时的苏联政府中了美国的诡计,和美国大搞军备竞赛,消耗了大量国家资源。冷战结束后,大部分军工企业被迫停产改造,连带引起一部分重工业、化工业、电子工业也停顿或减产,引起许多工人失业。军工产品特别昂贵,-辆现代化的坦克的产值相当于几十辆汽车,更不要说飞机、导弹和核武器了。这些产业一停产或减产,必然出现整体GDP数字大幅度下降。   2.苏联时代实行的是公有制和计划经济,地方官员和公有制企业的经理们,为了表现自己的政绩得到奖励和提拔,往往夸大产量,所报的数字有很大的水分。实行私有制后,私营企业主为了减少或偷漏税负,所报产量往往少于实际。   3.苏联解体后,地下经济迅速发展,不算入官方公布的GDP数字之内,但对居民的生活有很大的影响。有人估计,地下经济约为当时官方公布的GDP一半以上,实际如何,无法统计。   但必须承认,在经济改革中,主要由于俄罗斯联邦政府的某些人接受了西方学者的馊主意,1992年起实行所谓"休克疗法",物价一下子完全放开,在当时商品严重短缺的情况下,引起物价数十倍地迅速飙升,这才是人民生活水平大幅度下降的主要原因,而不是由于某些人所喋喋不休地宣传的政治改革。   二