
Cisco architecture calculated to subvert the true ambitions lie?

UCS unified introduction of computing systems to enable data center construction costs fell sharply, but also gives Cisco constructed from the data center become important participants Makers prelude Revolution has been opened.

Cisco architecture calculated to subvert meddle "cloud" market

At this time of economic downturn has not yet been out of winter, Cisco is the industry excitement and commotion.

March 17, Cisco at the global high-profile synchronization introduced the industry's first unified computing system (UCS) - a data center resources, all linked to the architecture, eliminating the computing, networking, storage, access and the boundaries of virtualization and as a single system to manage.

Cisco Chairman and CEO John Chambers presided over the 11 cities covered by Cisco TelePresence Meeting, called for the establishment of an open industry ecosystem to accelerate the IT industry in transition to a unified computing. Intel President and CEO Paul Otelini, Microsoft Server and Tools business unit president Bob Muglia, Vmware, President and CEO Paul Maritz, BMC CEO Bob Beaauchamp, EMC Chairman and CEO Joe Tucci, Accenture chairman and chief Officer William D. Green and other industry leaders attending the meeting to explore ways to cooperate with Cisco UCS.

"This is a great revolutionary innovation." Cisco Asia Pacific sales, executive director of data center Andre Smit, Cisco's chief technology officer of China and other Cisco executives梁永健in an interview with reporters can not conceal his excitement.

Data Center闹革命

In fact, UCS released the technical Nexus7000, Nexus5000, Nexus1000v, Nexus2000 has more than a year at the latest time in stage one after another. Therefore, the first official release accompanied by UCS faceless Cisco UCS B Series blade server especially pathetic attention.

This seems to be "possible Cisco to enter blade server market large-scale" This caused a hubbub in the side of the hearsay evidence of the network.

Cisco CTO梁永健Chinese deny this, "If the media simply put Cisco as a blade server vendor, today the release of our equal unsuccessful." He said frankly, UCS is a revolutionary data center Architecture, Cisco UCS B series blade servers only UCS system are the many components in a component of it.

At梁永健It appears that technology has developed to a certain stage there will be a new market, a few years ago思科提had IIN (Intelligent Information Network) concept, consider network development will affect the computer's architecture, today is a manifestation of the UCS .

"Cisco UCS B series blade servers with existing blade servers revolutionize the majority of difference is, we 'exchange' as a core of key points. And traditional manufacturers to 'computing' as a core of key points."梁永健said Highlights of new technologies that can realize the perfect integration of virtualization, data center in order to achieve real integration. In other words, UCS unified network virtualization, storage virtualization and server virtualization, data center construction costs fell sharply in order to become a reality.

Cisco Asia Pacific sales, executive director of data center Andre Smi reporter give an example, a large financial enterprise data center, in the traditional system, the 320 blade servers, configure a new application to spend a few days to weeks time, need to configure the 3520 cable, rack 31, to spend 21 million U.S. dollars; at UCS system, 320 blade servers, configure a new application of only a few minutes, just configure the 480 cable, rack 12, spent 12 million U.S. dollars.

Who moves the cheese?

As we all know, data centers are generally managed by the server, network and storage elements such as composition, one of Cisco, Huawei, Juniper, Brocade and so rule the roost in the network equipment on, the server market from IBM, HP, Sun, Dell by occupied, compared with storage giant EMC and IBM.

UCS combines computing, networking, storage and data center virtualization, such as the resources required and may be managed as a single system, which allows Cisco data center from the field of the status of important players from become Makers.

"There is no doubt that Cisco directly with IT Infrastructure manufacturers HP, IBM face confrontation, some server partners will become competitors." Many of the industry think so. In fact, these partners in the sales of servers, it will also assist the sales of Cisco network equipment products, annual sales amount of up to several billion dollars.

This, Andre Smit and梁永健agreed that: "It is a competition to promote innovation." In fact, Cisco has always been familiar with competing on the Road, by some analysts as "slick guy." For example, Cisco, Microsoft is the largest in the UC area of enemies, but in the field of UCS will be Cisco's irons brothers. Cisco also said that stakeholders, Cisco UCS B series blade server is not intended to market alone, "the next few years, IBM, Cisco is still the most important partners."

However, Cisco would build on the data center are the "competing relationship" has produced a subtle impact. Cisco network at the field of competitors Brocade and Juniper was very excited. Brocade spokesman John Noh in an open message wrote: "Cisco's' unified computing 'is not revolutionary." Juniper data center business unit vice president and general manager David Yen directly to UCS called Cisco's "server strategy "and that Cisco will be decentralized energy.

At reporter, these words imply to the server vendors to "show well" means: we will not engage in the server, you need to build data center networking products




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Opera首席执行官Jon S. von Tetzchner今天表示,就浏览器来说,虽然互联网经历了十年的高速发展期,但浏览器内核本身实际没有实质突破,谷歌Chrome虽然是个新的浏览器,但与苹果Safari一样都是基于WebKit内核,"可以说,十年来浏览器本身没有出现新内核",Jon表示。 作为一家老牌的浏览器厂商,Opera浏览器桌面版市场占有率远远落后于IE和Firefox,但是在移动产品市场中,Opera却处于遥遥领先的地位。IDC今年10月的统计数据显示,Opera mini版全球活跃用户已经超过2100万,同时Opera还通过与老牌游戏机厂商任天堂合作将Opera 浏览器内置到NDSL掌机和热销的Wii游戏机中,Jon表示,"Opera mini 是我们目前最重要的产品之一,今年1到9月Opera mini的用户量增长超过350%,在中国我们也通过与空中网的合作不断提升市场份额"。Opera mini也使用了云计算的概念,在手机上网时,服务器端会进行数据压缩,手机用户上网访问WWW网页会拥有更快的速度和效率。 事实上,Opera是目前全球唯一一家跨平台浏览器厂商,Jon表示,"不管是手机、还是移动设备、还是机顶盒、还是电脑,Opera都可以提供优质快速稳定的浏览器。" 不过Jon也坦陈,"对Oprea来说,我们的营收主要来自三个方面,比较传统的仍然是软件授权预装和桌面版流量点击分成,不过从今年开始,Opera已经开始与T-Mobile等重要运营商开始按照Opera mini的用户活跃度进行合作分成,这是Opera未来的一个巨大增长点。" 1995年末,Jon S. von Tetzchner与Opera总程序设计师Geir Ivars y在挪威成立Opera Software 公司,之前两人供职于挪威最大的运营Televerket ,1995年,Televerket 更名为今天的Telenor。   2008-11-28   洛阳生活信息点评网:http://luo...


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