
Mate instinct psychological analysis: search for a woman's "mate mentality"!

1, to select a marriage partner as the most important cause of mental 

In fact, everyone is willing to attach importance to this point and hope that their objects can become Dongliangzhicai, at work, their careers come out ahead. However, due to various constraints, at present, people with this mental mate the small number of intellectuals and groups in years, is still a lot of people's. 

They work performance, career progress as the greatest happiness in life. Whether the other side the spirit of dedication and hard work, as an important weight in the scales of selecting a spouse to love, happiness entirely on the cause of the struggle being. Such love as the cause of the eternal rather be eternal. 

Second, the pursuit of the spirit of mate choice to meet the psychological 

With the social civilization and progress, and cultural qualities of the people with this mentality swelling more and more people mate, they focus on each other's thoughts and feelings, moral character, personality hobbies, etc., the pursuit of mutual communication between the spiritual and emotional harmony. As long as can be happy and satisfied in spirit, even if each other's economic conditions, poor physical condition, etc., does not matter. This built on the spirit of love is noble, and many pass for the sweet talk of the love story, all belong to this scale of psychological pursuit of love. 

3, money, first select a marriage partner psychological 

This type of mating psychology is relatively common, particularly in economically backward regions. They each other's economic situation in the first place, their marriage is to get one to meet their food, clothing, shelter, play a comfortable home, or in order to survive depending on it. This approach, based on the material, money, on the basis of marriage, is not solid, because the economic conditions can be changed, it is often lost because the other favorable material conditions, while the loss of cohesion both the attractiveness of mind, which had to split . 

Fourth, look for the psychological and political backing of the mate choice 

This mate psychology is quite common in the feudal society, and they opened up their own through marriage, career path, or the consolidation of officialdom on nepotism, that is, the so-called political marriage. Right now, although not common psychology of such mate choice, but to another scheme by people who are out there, they do not pay attention to both the emotional and psychological compatibility, not to mention what the aficionados, but to hide in the marriage The ulterior motive behind put love first. This love is also unreliable. 

5, the pursuit of physical beauty and mental mate choice 

This psychological among young people occupy a very important position, everyone wanted to target a more glowing, more handsome and more, it is only human, but if the single-minded pursuit of this appearance the United States, so often go astray. Beautiful appearance created by the other side of love is short-lived. With the passage of time, love will disappear with the appearance of aging. As Goethe said: "looks beautiful and can only please a time, inside the United States can be enduring." 

6 to require a perfect mate choice psychology 

Some people choose to object, prior formulate a set of standards, think outside the box a lot, who do not meet one or two points, even if other aspects of buying, not in the account. Psychology of people with this mate, although the young person is more than love, but often cause them to become older teens. 

7, the game mate psychological 

Have this mentality of people, only a few. They love the name, playing other people's feelings, play fast and loose, whoring, and their outlook on life, Outlook on Love is a decadent as a result, Hune can not hang by a lifetime true love. 

In short, men and women mate psychology is diverse, everyone can have a different psychological mate choice of others. These are but a few basic psychological mate choice. 

Related reading: psychological analysis of human mating instincts, sought-after qualities of the opposite sex, what? 

If you look at the ad in the newspaper will find an interesting phenomenon, how people describe themselves, how to describe themselves are looking for the other half depending on whether they are male or female. Women tend to focus describes himself as "a dignified and beautiful appearance, personality gentle and considerate", to be looking for a "dedication and sense of responsibility, there is some economic basis" of the male; fortunately, such description is in line with men to come to Zhenghun their description, they will stressed that he "established in a career with decent income had been paid in full houses in the city bought a set of ... ..." I hope to find "beautiful young" females. 

Evolutionary psychologists believe that as a member of a race, must take into account genetically transmitted to future generations to maintain the propagation of racial issues. That human beings are no exception, will instinctively choose to breed successfully and effectively support future generations of spouses. Men and women in the offspring in the different roles played by, decided to seek a spouse of their different conditions. In order to ensure its own genetic males as much as possible to pass along, the best way is to breed as much as possible, they tend to select those who may be born to him a lot of women with children; women have to become pregnant and, in most cases, to support future generations, more likely to be able to provide financial security for the children of men. 

Simply put, men like to be able to find a fertility of women. Women of childbearing age have a certain range of restrictions, so the young women to give birth first external signal. In addition, young women related to physiological characteristics, such as slim build, with thick hair and full lips and also provides women with reproductive capacity of the external cues, these physical characteristics is widely recognized as "pretty." This may explain why the ad in, men prefer younger than he is, look attractive women, while women in order to win the attention of men to show off their attractive appearance. 

Only 400 women in their lives just around the egg to mature and are discharged, but also bear the heavy responsibility pregnant in October, their pay is more important than men, to be shared with a spouse more carefully selective breeding, hoping ideal match motivated, and a strong sense of responsibility, the higher socio-economic status, educational level higher in order to provide the material needed to protect the child-rearing. In fact, career aspirations, income level and education level of these interrelated factors are the social criteria for judging the success of men, most men are moving higher and higher social status and the direction of economic income to exert themselves. Men also seem to understand the needs of women in the dating will be intentionally or unintentionally forget to disclose their positions of influence, there is room a car, with a view to win the beloved women of all ages. 

Women seem to choose a spouse seemed to blind the eyes of drilling in the money, does not. A callous, selfish men, even the rich and powerful and far less a caring, kind, generous, willing to share the co-operation of men more attractive. If a male has a huge revenue growth for the children reluctant to invest in and paid care, to marry, what good is it? 

Whether it is South Africa's Zulu people are still the United States The New Yorker, the respective male and female mate choice criteria are strikingly similar, which inherited from our ancestors in the world of nature, the vast majority of cultural groups have a very universal. However, living in modern society, human and early human needs have been very different, as more and more women achieve economic independence, there are many of them prefer one willing to spend time with their own emotions partner, rather than an exhausting effort in the cause of money-making machines.





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