
In winter, cold not do a woman

Women are yin, yang in itself on the weak, the physical largely biased towards cold, but you know what? Many women in order to control calorie intake, the daily life of selected health food mostly cold thing. As long as they can be beauty, and believe that the more the better, in fact, is not at a good body, excessive intake of cold food, the cold will let you add, thoroughly into "cold woman." In winter, cold not do a woman http://luoyanglife.com/blog/luoyang-faq-3233/ 

"Cold woman" self-test: see below consistent with the performance and you have several? 

The morning feeling tired, do not want to get out of bed. 

Irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhea often. 

Shoulder, cervical and lumbar pain frequently. 

Color is poor, is not young. 

Regular air-conditioned room and left alone, do not love sports. 

Drink too much or too tired, the body easily edema. 

Chinese medicine, diet, life - to see how we should do it. 

Chinese medicine beauty to be careful 

You can not eat: 

1. Aloe Vera: We all know that aloe vera juice squeezed out, can be painted on the face Acne, and more recently became popular raw aloe vera, actually this is very frightening, topical aloe vera can cure burns, can be seen how the cold, a long time, but the consequences of very serious, so say goodbye to winter and aloe vera bar. 

2. Honeysuckle: Flowers has a unique role in Beauty and skin care, tea beauty is now a pandemic, the ability to reduce internal heat honeysuckle, Qushi gas effect. But the weak stomach people who are less fit, because the honeysuckle will increase the spleen and stomach disharmony. 

After a reasonable match can be taken after this: 

1. Cassia: For the physical cold in women, Cassia will let cold aggravated, causing diarrhea, Deficiency. If you are a puffiness physique, then do not use cassia seed, and it may aggravate your indigestion, not only break down fat, but will extend the time food is stored in the body. However, if taking the time cassia seed and then with a little warm on the properties of Hawthorn, then the cold winter can also be taken as appropriate, and anti-obesity better. 

2. Chrysanthemum: Chrysanthemum Tea is probably one of the most trusted traditional Chinese medicine drinks, but in fact not the case, chrysanthemum is also a part of cold medicines, physically weak people who still drink less, no more than a daily dosage of 100g. However, if Jiantang with chrysanthemums, and then chrysanthemum soup and rice with Zhu Chengyu, both beauty Runzao also very suitable for cold season to eat. 

Winter fruit is also stress 

Fruits can be divided into hot and cold properties. Peach sex is hot, do not eat much, but bananas, figs, watermelon, kiwi, cantaloupe, mangoes, pears and bananas to eat when the fruits of these cold must be careful, even in winter there are many off-season fruits, can be These fruits, physical cold winter is best not to eat people. 

Chinese medicine has always been emphasis on balance, yin and yang to reconcile, so people whose bodies tend to cold winter, the best choice for lychee, longan, pomegranate, coconut, durian, apricot, chestnut, walnut meat, fruits and other warm nature. 

Good practice to keep the body warm 

1. Sports: 40% of the body temperature of our bodies through muscle movement comes from. Do not love movement, lack of muscle mass can lead to low body temperature. More exercise each day for taking time to look at, you can enhance our ability to keep out the cold. 

2. Footbath: As the saying goes, "cold from the foot of the students", migraine were more likely physical cold hands and feet cold, every night before going to sleep, multi-bubble feet with hot water, we can effectively warm and soles of the feet, so that blocked the blood circulation up, to achieve the body warm effect. 

3. Massage: Yang chi point is to dominate the body the blood circulation and hormone secretion of the important points. Cold hands and feet of women, the general long as they adhere to stimulate the smooth flow of yang chi point can be quickly blood circulation, warm the body, no longer need to worry about the onset of winter 啦. To strengthen the feet warm, you can also massage Yongquan Point. 

Related Reading: 
The cold weather on the three "warm-up big points," 

Enter "39", more and more cold weather, together, appears to be particularly cold this winter, river north and south are the cold, rain, snow weather continued to break out the snow last week, Kusakabe, and now not of clean, have formed a a big lump of ice, which coupled with 3-4 grade Fengyi Chui. . . Is simply and cool. 

Cold hands and feet to Chinese medicine, is the result of three factors, above all, lack of yang - The human body is Yinxue and yang balance of the whole, in the case of yin and yang balance is healthy, but if one fell, people will have an adverse response. Stand the cold is actually a "Yang-deficiency of Health within the cold" result; second is due to the human blood deficiency, caused by poor blood circulation; Finally, winter is the season of yang in volts, relative to the trunk, the hand, foot and at the end of the human body, Chinese medicine called "four at the end." Winter, "Shou-yang, within, not up to four at the end" and therefore prone to cold hands and feet. 

Such a cold day, walking in the cold hands and feet outside the unavoidable, and some white friends, even sitting in office, is cold hands and feet, were warm, but a long time ago, introduced to the three warm-up "big hole", let the body warm up bar! 

Body chilly - Ojo Tong Yang 

Bow when the high-touch back of the neck of the most protruding bone in the bottom of this piece of high bone is Dazhui Xue, Chinese medicine that "Ojo Tong Yang", because this acupoint is the Du channel and six yang through the intersection, Dazhui to regulate body chilly's important points, moxa Da Zhuixue can Tongluo cold-dispelling, this is an important way to alleviate cold-blooded body. Cold hands and feet of women have symptoms of a friend may wish to each bath first washed with hot water about 10 minutes Dazhui Xue, until the point at the skin reddening - which played a similar role of moxa, the entire head and neck are all that hot body back and even when , then relented, and after long warm bath, a good sleep last night; or a daily morning and evening with the palm of your hand rub the Da Chuixue 5-10 minutes, making at that point Suanzhang fever can be. 

Da Chuixue preventive treatment can also be cold. If you feel a cold hit, dizziness, headache, stuffy nose, itchy throat and other prodromal symptoms, you can use palm of your hand rub the Da Zhuixue neck to the skin red for the degree of fever, we can help the body boost yang, resist exogenous evils . 

Upper stand the cold - Yang Chi-based, massage arm 

From the palm of your hand rubbing up the inside, to the juncture of the arms and shoulders, and then stroke down the outside from the arm to the fingers, three times, and then rubbing the other arm. Because there are three arm yin and yang through the classics, rubbing his arm on the arm can dredge yin and yang through the classics, to resolve disharmony of yin and yang. 

Yang chi point (in the person's back of the hand wrist, along the little finger down the inside of the wrist until the dorsal stripes and Office) is the dominant systemic blood circulation and hormone secretion of the important points. To stimulate the acupuncture points, can quickly smooth blood circulation, balance hormone secretion, warm, and the body, thus eliminating cold syndrome. Stimulate Yang Ikeana, it is best carried out slowly, take a longer time, efforts to relieve Qi is best to use both hands, first with one hand press the middle finger of another hand-yang chi point, and back over with the other hand only in the hands of the middle finger press yang chi point. This position can be naturally transmitted to the power from the middle finger Chi-yang Cave. 

Lower limbs chilly - Massage Yongquan 

Quick rub with the left foot first, right palm hearts, and then rub the right foot with left palm quick mind, a sense of rubbing to hot up. Sooner or later the next day, rub 100, and then rub the rest of the toes 100. Chinese medicine believes that many passages of the body are brought together in the foot with the body of various organs, tissues, organs are closely related. Yongquan is called "grounded gas," the hub of Anrou can regulate qi and blood sleep, stimulate the Yongquan, benefit kidney impotence, gluten strong bone. Often persist in rubbing cold hands and feet of this hole is bound to promote, afraid of the cold symptoms of lower limb rehabilitation. 

In winter, cold not do a woman http://luoyanglife.com/blog/luoyang-faq-3233/





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Opera首席执行官Jon S. von Tetzchner今天表示,就浏览器来说,虽然互联网经历了十年的高速发展期,但浏览器内核本身实际没有实质突破,谷歌Chrome虽然是个新的浏览器,但与苹果Safari一样都是基于WebKit内核,"可以说,十年来浏览器本身没有出现新内核",Jon表示。 作为一家老牌的浏览器厂商,Opera浏览器桌面版市场占有率远远落后于IE和Firefox,但是在移动产品市场中,Opera却处于遥遥领先的地位。IDC今年10月的统计数据显示,Opera mini版全球活跃用户已经超过2100万,同时Opera还通过与老牌游戏机厂商任天堂合作将Opera 浏览器内置到NDSL掌机和热销的Wii游戏机中,Jon表示,"Opera mini 是我们目前最重要的产品之一,今年1到9月Opera mini的用户量增长超过350%,在中国我们也通过与空中网的合作不断提升市场份额"。Opera mini也使用了云计算的概念,在手机上网时,服务器端会进行数据压缩,手机用户上网访问WWW网页会拥有更快的速度和效率。 事实上,Opera是目前全球唯一一家跨平台浏览器厂商,Jon表示,"不管是手机、还是移动设备、还是机顶盒、还是电脑,Opera都可以提供优质快速稳定的浏览器。" 不过Jon也坦陈,"对Oprea来说,我们的营收主要来自三个方面,比较传统的仍然是软件授权预装和桌面版流量点击分成,不过从今年开始,Opera已经开始与T-Mobile等重要运营商开始按照Opera mini的用户活跃度进行合作分成,这是Opera未来的一个巨大增长点。" 1995年末,Jon S. von Tetzchner与Opera总程序设计师Geir Ivars y在挪威成立Opera Software 公司,之前两人供职于挪威最大的运营Televerket ,1995年,Televerket 更名为今天的Telenor。   2008-11-28   洛阳生活信息点评网:http://luo...


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